May 14, 2022|Book Reviews
(Christian Inspirational)
Aradhana Thakor
Inspirational and Unforgettable
Aradhana Thakor allows us to look inside the heart of the man everyone knew as Pastor Deepak, but who she was blessed to know as her father. What a beautiful tribute to a great man of God! Thanks for sharing his story, Aradhana. I was inspired to renew my own passion for lost souls after reading of Pastor Deepak's love and compassion for what the world calls the dregs of society. Because of his ministry, we now know these often brutal thieves and murderers, who were just lost souls to Pastor Deepak, as brothers in Christ. His wife, Aradhana's mother, worked alongside him, entering the dark prisons and winning precious souls for Christ as well.
May 14, 2022|Book Reviews
Mike Acker
Increasing Emotional Intelligence
The importance of emotional intelligence has been known and studied for some time. But can it be developed and strengthened like a muscle? Or is it like I.Q. was once thought to be, that is, is it more or less set at birth? Mike Acker not only answers that question, but he shows us practical ways to help us increase our own emotional intelligence. Think of this book as a toolbox that will not only help you fix your own car but also help with everyone else’s cars. - From the Introduction to Connect Trough Emotional Intelligence
May 15, 2022|Book Reviews (Motivational Self-Help) Tony Robbins https://amzn.to/3a3Q723 This Book Delivered Much More than I Expected Wow! Didn't know what to expect with this one. I pre-ordered Life Force when I saw the book advertised because of Tony Robbin's name on the cover. I thought I could use an extra boost of energy for my projects. And boy, did I get it! But not anything like I expected. The book is really not about Tony Robbins. It's about some amazing cutting-edge treatments and therapies for what ails us. I've already benefitted from one, which alone makes the book many times more valuable than the purchase price. I've also given a copy to a friend whose wife has a debilitating condition that threatens to ruin their plans for retirement. Do yourself a favor. Pick up a copy for yourself as well as more for friends and family members who will benefit from some of the treatments and therapies.
https://kellymackmccoy.com/blogs%2Freviews/f/mystery-in-the-jackson-house MYSTERY IN THE JACKSON HOUSE May 14, 2022|Book Reviews (Christian Fiction - Middle Grade) Judy Sheer Watters https://amzn.to/3wugEx1 Mystery with a Message Judy Sheer Watters weaves a tale filled with positive lessons that readers young and old will love. As she says at the beginning of the book, the story is very loosely based on real events which makes for the best fiction. As a retired teacher and secondary Principal, she has the background that allows her insight into the behavior of the mischievous boys at the center of the story. Highly recommended for young readers who will learn valuable life lessons. This promises to be a great series.
May 16, 2022|Book Reviews
(Christian Spiritual Growth)
Dr. Richard Hindmarsh
The Promise of Restoration
This is my second book by Dr. Hindmarsh. I wasn't sure what to expect after seeing the title and cover of Our Fractured Image but decided to read the book since I enjoyed his last book so much. The author is a man with much spiritual depth. He first dives deep into the nature of the fracture and then shows us how God is in the restoration business and is healing our fractured image as we walk with Him.
May 14, 2022|Book Reviews (Christian Fiction - Mystery & Suspense Romance) Allison Pittman https://amzn.to/3whJ8vc Mystery at the Menger This is not the type of book I would usually read (the romance part of the genre, I mean). But since it included a murder mystery set in my hometown of San Antonio, Texas, I decided to expand my horizons a little (like I often do as you may guess from reading my other reviews). I'm so glad I did. Allison Pittman's Lady in Residence draws you into a story that will keep you up at night turning the pages until the mystery of The Lady becomes known to you. Why? Because that mysterious lady is none other than Allison Pittman herself. No, the author is not the reincarnation or ghost of Hedda Krause, or the ghost of the murdered maid who was haunting Hedda. This is all a way of saying the story has such a true to life feel because the author, as much as is possible, lived it herself. From viewing the site of a murder from the window of a room at the Menger Hotel in downtown San Antonio, Texas to sleeping in a room much like Hedda Krause would have lived in during her long stay there, Allison Pittman did her research by living the story to the point of experiencing a bit of Hedda's fear herself. The romance part? - The budding love story of the young couple who dedicate themselves to solving the mystery of The Lady in Residence.
May 21, 2022|Book Reviews (Biography, Humor) Alex Stan Campbell https://amzn.to/3yMSSPD Great writing. Reads like a novel. The author spent much of his life seeking love in the wrong places, feeling rejected, alone and abandoned by his birth mother. His life spirals out of control in spite of outward success. No spoilers here about the outcome of his search for his birth mother. The book also provides an eye-opening peek into the radio business through the author's decades long experience in that medium in the U.S. and Canada. His own show is now broadcast throughout the world. I hope he follows up with a novel because this book reads like one. His experience in the radio business, coupled with the fact he is such a good writer will make for an awesome read. Alex Stan Campbell now focuses on the trucking industry on his Trucker Radio station.
May 23, 2022|Book Reviews (Entrepreneurship) Bruce Outridge https://amzn.to/3sIACCX Inspirational! Bruce Outridge walked the walk before he talked the talk in writing You're Not Done Yet. He learned through the course of his life not to totally suppress the kid in him as most of us do. We think we must leave our childish dreams behind to live a responsible life. But Bruce reached down deep inside and woke up that inner child and lived out those dreams. For example, like so many boys - including me! - he loved big trucks. So, what did he do? He drove a tractor-trailer for years. He also loved to draw as a kid - like me - so he became an artist. But not a starving artist. He incorporated his art into his business. What is his business? He's an entrepreneur, speaker, marketer, writing pro, and broadcaster among other things - oh! - and he still serves the trucking industry with The Lead Pedal Podcast for Truck Drivers! The Lead Pedal Podcast for Truck Drivers.
7 Questions with Author Kelly Mack McCoy
May 8, 2019
Esther Rabbit
In today’s interview Kelly Mack McCoy opens up about life as a writer and his process from writing to publishing.
For the ones of you who are new to my blog, I’m Esther Rabbit, writer, content creator for authors and massive nerd. If you’re curious to know all the tips & tricks surrounding the process From Writing To Publishing Your Novel, you’re only a click away. For more goodies, articles and giveaways, please consider subscribing to my Newsletter.
Esther Rabbit: Are you a plotter or a pantser?
One hundred percent pantser. It amazes me how someone can outline a novel before writing it. The closest thing I had to an outline for Rough Way to the High Way was that I knew how it would begin and to a lesser degree how it would end. Once I had that I just started writing to see where the story took me. It was an amazing journey for me just like I hope it is for the reader. I’m getting some awesome feedback now, so I guess this approach worked.
Esther Rabbit: How does a day in your author life look?
I’m a firm believer in having balance in all areas of life, including my author life. The problem I have is I’ve never been able to pull it off. Maybe I’m a pantser in my writing style because I’ve flown by the seat of my pants all my life. My main goal as a child was to survive until adulthood. I didn’t think much about the process or where I was headed. It was simply a matter of survival.
Esther Rabbit: Looking back, what advice would you give yourself at the beginning of your journey?
Just sit down and write. Tell that inner critic to shut up long enough for you to get your writing done for the day. Had I done that long ago I would have several books out now. And when you’re done with that part don’t listen to the outer critics either. You have to persevere and see your book through to publication. You also have to have a target audience for your writing in order to sell a significant number of books. Target that audience and never give up.
Esther Rabbit: There are a lot of experts behind the novel, editors, developmental editors, proofreaders, beta readers, etc. How did you find your perfect crew? I’m so grateful for the people who have helped me along the way I sometimes have trouble referring to Rough Way to the High Way as my book. The story about how I found them could fill another book. I’ll just mention a few. Brenda Blanchard, and the other writers at the Christian Writers Group of the Greater San Antonio Area https://brendablanchard.com/ Judy Watters and the other writers at the Hill Country Christian Writers Group http://franklinscribes.com/ The creator of the jump-off-the-shelf cover, Al Mendenhall. Contact almend2@gmail.com And my world-class editor, Ninfa Castaneda. My lovely wife, Miss Emily, has done an awesome job in helping to promote the book at the many book signings we’ve done. Esther Rabbit: How do you deal with negative feedback or negative reviews? In order to be a writer, you have to develop a pretty thick skin. It’s great to belong to a critique group to present your writing to in its early stages. Get a good group and you’ll have the encouragement you need as well as feedback from those who think they have a God-given gift of criticism. I’ve learned to listen to and appreciate all critiques of my writing and I’m thankful to receive it. The devil is a liar, but he’ll mix in enough truth to hit you where it hurts. So, I just listen and think, Yeah, there’s probably some truth in that. Esther Rabbit: What’s your definition of the first draft? I don’t think anyone could put it more eloquently then Ernest Hemingway, who famously said, “The first draft of anything is ****.” If Ernest Hemingway thought that about his first draft. then there is hope for the rest of us. My definition of a first draft is what you have when you think you have taken the stupid out of your writing only to discover you in fact have not when you present it to others. Esther Rabbit: How long do you self-edit your manuscript before sending it to a proofreader/ beta reader / editor? I keep editing until I’m convinced I might as well just admit I’m not a writer and give up in disgust before turning my work over to professionals. I remember the story about a writer who finished his manuscript and then pushed it away in disgust because he felt it was the best he could do, but he sent it off to his editor anyway. The writer was John Steinbeck and his book was The Grapes of Wrath.
Kelly Mack McCoy is a semi (pun intended) retired truck driver turned author. He spent most of his career behind the wheel of an eighteen-wheeler traveling extensively through forty-eight states gathering a lifetime of material for his books. Rough Way to the High Way is his first novel and the first in a series of novels about the adventures of trucker turned pastor turned trucker Mack McClain. Kelly Mack McCoy lives in Spring Branch, Texas with his lovely wife, Miss Emily and their two Yorkies, Dixie and Dolly.
Beckie by the Book
Book Review: Rough Way to The High Way 3 FEB Pastor turned long-haul trucker, Mack, struggles with grief and perceived failures as a minister while he is confronted with a mysterious hitchhiker, smugglers, and a determined killer. After an unbearable tragedy strikes his life, he sells everything he owns and buys a new Peterbilt truck, returning to the trade he learned decades earlier. Hoping for some windshield therapy and peace of mind behind the wheel of his new rig, Mack gets neither after God nudges him to pick up a hitchhiker near the Jordan State Prison outside Mack’s childhood home of Pampa, Texas. When his world is ripped apart, he seeks to run away from it all, going as far as to cut off communication with all but a handful of people. But he is pursued by God, who will not let him go. Unbeknownst to Mack, God is equipping His servant with tools to handle events his past education and experience could never have prepared him for. The story unfolds as the hitchhiker enters Mack’s Peterbilt. The man reminds Mack of his father, a hard living, hard drinking oilfield roughneck who died in prison. God begins to do a work in Mack’s heart while Mack seeks to minister to his new passenger. But Mack soon rues the day he let the hitchhiker into his truck. His old life in ruins now, Mack learns he has angered a new enemy who threatens to destroy his life on the road as well. Mack suspects he is being followed and is in the sights of a killer who plots a revenge no one could have seen coming. God works His mysterious way in Mack’s life steamroller-style all the way to an ending that will leave the reader thinking about it long after reading The End at the bottom of the last page. Rough Way to the High Way is the first of a series of novels about Mack’s adventures on the road as lives are transformed through his new ministry. The first life to be transformed as Rough Way to the High Way develops appears to be that of the hitchhiker. But God is working in Mack’s life all along, preparing him for a new ministry that will transform lives across the country. Kelly Mack McCoy is a semi (pun intended) retired truck driver turned author. He spent most of his career behind the wheel of an eighteen-wheeler traveling extensively through forty-eight states gathering a lifetime of material for his books. Rough Way to the High Way is his first novel and the first in a series of novels about the adventures of trucker turned pastor turned trucker Mack McClain. My Impressions: Rough Way to The High Way is the debut offering of Kelly Mack McCoy. This mystery centers on pastor-turned-trucker Mack McLain and the uncovering of a murder case that is much more than it seems. The book takes the reader on the road as Mack seeks some windshield therapy as he recovers from the death of his wife. Complications in a simple long haul trip crop up even before Mack can really get on the road. As Mack dodges bad guys, he learns of a conspiracy much deeper than he could imagine. This book will appeal to readers who like to cut to the chase — no detailed descriptions of setting and characters. There’s plenty of action, but also a good bit of conversation that pushes forward the narrative. Colloquialisms from the road and Texas abound which give it authenticity. I did find a few a bit repetitious though. There is some spiritual warfare depicted in the novel that increases the reader’s awareness of the struggle of good and evil underlying the story line, however, I found it a bit jarring and confusing. Perhaps in subsequent books in the series that can be handled a little more smoothly. I think Rough Way to The High Way will appeal to those who like just the facts mysteries — those stories that focus on the details of a case.
American Christian Fiction Writers (ACFW)
Interview with Kelly Mack McCoy By Tara Ross - August 19, 2019 Kelly Mack McCoy writes from a lifetime of personal experience. In his first novel, Rough Way to the High Way he introduces us to the world of Mack, a pastor turned long-haul trucker. This is the first of a series of novels about Mack’s adventures on the road as lives are transformed through his new ministry. The first life to be transformed, as Rough Way to the High Way develops, appears to be that of the hitchhiker. But God is working in Mack’s life all along, preparing him for a new ministry that will transform lives across the country. Welcome Mack! The burning question I had when I read your summary was what parts of your novel actually happened in real life? (without any spoilers, of course) I built more of my personality and story into Rough Way to the High Way than I realized during the writing process. You may have noticed the similarity in names for example, to state the obvious. But Mack just seemed to fit the character I was developing. And then there’s the other name he was known by…well…I can’t mention that one yet, can I? Like me, the protagonist comes from a rough background. His father was an abusive drunk who died in the Huntsville state prison. I can tell you that because it’s part of the backstory that’s known from the beginning when Mack picks up a hitchhiker who reminds him of his father. Who is this hitchhiker? Oops…sorry, I can’t tell you that one either. My own father stayed drunk for about twenty-five years straight and my mother was in and out of insane asylums, as they were then called, when I was a child. So, as you can imagine, I have a lot of stories to tell. And some of those stories are woven into the plot. I haven’t even brought up some of the events that happened out there on the road, which I think is what you had in mind when you asked the question. Many of the trials Mack faces during his journey did indeed happen to me. Which ones? You know it’s much more interesting to speculate, so I’ll let readers have fun with that question. It has been a dream of mine to live in a Peterbilt rig for a summer. What are the best and worst parts of living on the road? Awesome! You need to do that. It’s much easier than you think. If the general public knew what goes on in the trucking industry, they would never venture out on the highway when big rigs were on the road. There are always companies out there that are looking for warm bodies to put into the driver’s seat of a tractor-trailer rig. Of course, they are not all like that. I did make a career out of trucking for most of my adult life. But enough are like that to make it really scary out there. Many of us who have spent years behind the wheel of a truck develop a love/hate relationship with trucking. If I’m not out on the road I yearn to get back out there in a truck and experience the freedom of the open road and get a little windshield therapy. But once I get on the road, I’m ready to stop and do something else for a while. There is a huge turnover in the industry for a variety of reasons, the main ones being poor pay and working conditions. So many would-be truckers are slapped hard by this reality soon after graduating trucking school. It often doesn’t take long for them to rethink their career choice. So, it’s not hard to understand why there has been a shortage of truck drivers since I started driving one in 1974 and why it would be so easy for you to realize your dream. There are a number of companies that would train you and love to have you do just that – live in the rig for a summer, and hopefully longer. The best part of living on the road is seeing all the awesome scenery as you drive across this beautiful country of ours. In a single summer you could drive from sea to shining sea through many, if not all, forty-eight states and parts of Canada. If you are the type of person who can leave your home troubles at home, there is nothing like the open road to clear your mind. And you can spend your time catching up on all the books you’ve been wanting to read. There I go again! I’m ready to get back in one of those things and hit the road once more. The worst part of being on the road is you’re often tired and dirty while you’re touring the country and you rarely are able to stop and enjoy any of the places you visit. Did I mention the horrendous traffic, crumbling roads, construction everywhere, no place to park your truck when you’re required to do so by law and the electronic logging devices that keep you stressed out about it? The big fines for minor slip-ups and bigger fines and possible jail time for a lapse in judgement when you’re exhausted already? Oh! And the health risks? – The average trucker my age has been dead for a few years now. It’s a killer occupation – literally. What is the funniest memory you have from driving across the country? Did it make it into any of your books? Should I live long enough, all my young and stupid stories will make it into the books I write. Those young and stupid stories in my trucking career started before I ever got out of truck driving school. Just to give you a little background, things were quite different in those days. Back then you got your commercial driver’s license first and then you learned to drive a truck. But the latter was not a requirement before driving a tractor-trailer out on the highway. I took my commercial driver’s test in a one-ton truck. A friend of mine took his test in a station wagon. All that was required is that the vehicle used in the test was used for commercial purposes. But the first funny incident out there on the road that comes to mind was after I had all of two days of driving experience under my belt at twenty-one years of age. I drove as a team driver with an owner-operator. It’s still hard for me to believe he did this, but with only those two days of driving experience I had, he cut me loose on my own to deliver our load in San Francisco because he had relatives in the Bay area he wanted to visit. First, I got hopelessly lost when I couldn’t find the delivery location that was tucked away in a hidden alleyway. I drove up and down hills, dodging cars, streetcars, and pedestrians until what seemed like hours later, I found where I was supposed to unload. The dock was in a courtyard at the end of that alleyway. I had to jackknife my rig in order to position it for unloading. The dockhands had a good laugh watching me try to get my rig jackknifed into the dock, but eventually tired of the show, rolled down the door, and went to lunch while I continued working on it. After quite some time, I did succeed and they were able to unload my trailer. By this time rush hour traffic had begun as I left to make my way to the Golden Gate Bridge. I used up so much extra fuel in my adventures in San Francisco I ran out of fuel in the middle of the bridge. Similar to Mack, you made a career change. What propelled you to (semi) retire from driving your eighteen-wheeler and take on the role of author? I had a little time when the trucking company I worked for went bankrupt, so I decided the time was right to take my writing seriously. I found an awesome writers group where I met some good writers who helped draw out the writer in me. One of the members there, John Floyd Mills, was a former writer with the now-defunct San Antonio Light newspaper. John had nearly finished one novel and also started his own publishing company, Franklin Scribes Publishing. He wanted to help writers see their labors of love on through to publishing since he knew all the ins and outs of the industry and how the process worked from beginning to end. John liked my writing style and he approached me with the idea of the two of us partnering together to write a series of novels about a trucker and his adventures out on the road. I had such a thing in mind as well for some time, but never followed through with it, so I agreed. It turned out our writing styles were just too different for us to write together, so he moved on and published his own novels, Buried and Secrets. I ran with the other project on my own. Did I say ran? Stumbled and fell would be more accurate. After I started on the novel, my crazy life got in the way once more, and my book was buried like the protagonist in John’s novel, Buried. And just like his protagonist, there was no way my novel would ever see the light of day without some dramatic event to cause it to see the light again. That dramatic event was John’s death. After he died, I decided it was do or die for me as a writer. Sadly, for most writers, it’s die, not do. The scrap of manuscript that would become Rough Way to the High Way seemed to call out to me from that dusty drawer each day thereafter. It could no more be ignored than John’s protagonist buried underground. In your travels, what did you do, listen to, or read to pass the time? I drove out there for a very long time and I have such a love/hate relationship with truck driving I’ll probably do it again – until I tire of it once more. But one of the great things on the love side is you often have plenty of time to read, or listen to, some great books. In fact, it can be the perfect occupation for someone who loves books more than people, which I suspect would include many writers. Truck drivers are the most diverse bunch of guys (and gals – about five percent of truckers are women) of any occupation. I taught at a truck driving school for some time when I was reinventing myself and seeking something that would allow me more time to write and learn from other writers as well. Some students were high school dropouts. Some were probably grade school dropouts who, in a few cases, just got out of prison. But, for a student to have a bachelor’s degree was very common. A few had master’s degrees. One gentleman even had not one, but two PhDs. So, if you want to get your PhD in truck driving go for it. Hard to find a job that pays you to drive around and listen to books all day. I’ve always loved to read, but in my early days as a trucker, it was a little more difficult. At the end of your day, you’re often too exhausted to read or comprehend much of anything. And it was hard to focus on a book if you held it on the steering wheel with all the bouncing around and such. But then came cassette players, and then CDs, and now downloads, so it’s been easy to listen to lots of books out there for quite some time. I listened to the Bible and many books of a more spiritual nature. At one time, I got into reading the classics. For some time, it was self-help – I decided I needed a lot of it. And I’ve always been somewhat of an information junkie so anything I was the least bit curious about I would get some books on the subject and learn about it. So, I listened to many of The Great Courses from The Teaching Company. I absolutely loved to get lost in a novel too. I drove a car-hauling rig for many years. Sometimes I would get so engrossed in a book that when I arrived at a dealership, I would have to listen to at least the end of a chapter before getting out to unload. I often got odd looks from some of the salesmen – especially when I had hot-selling cars on my truck they’d been waiting for. How did this inspire you to start writing? Writing is something I’ve had in my heart since childhood. I’ve always loved to browse through bookstores, even as a kid. I would thumb through some of the books on the shelves and read parts of them at random. Sometimes I would be so awed by the prose I would think I could never be a writer. Then I would pick up another book and think, Man, this is really bad writing. Yet he somehow managed to have his book published and get it into a bookstore. If he could do it with writing that bad, I knew there was hope for me after all. But kids from my neighborhood didn’t grow up and go to college or become writers or anything of that nature. I had it in my heart, but believed it was unattainable, so therefore it was to me at the time. My main goal as a child was to survive to adulthood. That was enough of a challenge for me at the time. I thought I would be able to do something about my circumstances after I grew up, which I did, sort of. I hit the road in a big rig and drove away from it all – or so I thought. Although I had often dabbled in writing here and there, until I was motivated to finish my book for the reasons stated above, I didn’t have the confidence in myself as a writer to follow through with it. In spite of the fact that people would often tell me what a good writer I was, I didn’t even call myself one until my book was published. It may seem that I started late in life, but I really didn’t. I’ve just spent my life on and off the road gathering material. Most books and dreams remain in that dusty drawer I spoke of earlier so to speak, never to be seen by others. But they are not forgotten, just hidden away. When the dream-bearer dies, only then is the dream forgotten, never to be seen by the rest of us whose lives may well have had been enriched by what he or she had to offer. How do your faith and spiritual life play into the picture and affect your storytelling? Everything we do as a Christian is either a reflection or revelation of what is going on inside of us spiritually. And it affects our whole worldview. That pesky thing called the flesh will be our downfall if we’re not careful. I have struggled and failed miserably during my walk with the Lord. And I have been to such lofty heights I felt I was in heaven. As in the the other areas of my life, I’ve had experiences which help me to understand what others are going through and have compassion for them regardless of where they come from or where they are emotionally or spiritually in that snapshot of time. When I tell a story, I have an understanding of what each character may be going through and how that would affect their behavior. As you can see, I immerse myself in the story on those occasions when I’m in the ‘zone’. Especially in the case of Rough Way to the High Way where the protagonist has my personality for the most part and many of my experiences are shared through him. My main goal in writing this novel is for believers to be inspired to have a closer walk with the Lord when they finish reading it, and for unbelievers to see God and His people in a new light. All while being entertained by the story. What made you decide to write fiction rather than a memoir of all your amazing adventures on the road? I have a lot of books I hope to publish should the Lord leave me on this earth long enough. More novels are planned as well as nonfiction books. I realized some time ago I’m writing my memoir as I go along in my journey as an author, which is pretty cool. I won’t have to rack my brain as much trying to remember long-forgotten events in my life when I decide to write that memoir. I use many true stories in Rough Way to the High Way for example. Yes, some are embellished a little, some more so, but in any case, they are at the forefront of my memory now. Same with the interviews I’m doing. I’m asked many questions about by past adventures and my childhood which I have answered and now have stored away. I’m so glad my cover designer put ‘A Novel’ at the top of the cover because I’m often asked things like, ‘Is this your autobiography?’ or ‘Oh, you were a pastor?’. If you could have coffee with an author, dead or alive, whose work you admire, who would that be? What would you ask him or her? That’s such a great question. It makes me realize there are so many authors I admire it’s almost impossible to narrow it down to one. At the risk of sounding like much more of a spiritual man than I am, it has to be the apostle Paul. He comes to mind as a man who reached the highest heights and lowest depths of any man I can think of other than Jesus Himself. I admire Paul more than any author who has ever lived. I say Paul rather than the apostle Paul or Saint Paul because it helps me to picture him as simply a man, and in relation to your question, an author. To be shipwrecked, nearly beaten to death more than once and imprisoned unjustly didn’t stop him from writing the letters we read almost two millennia later. The letters were of course inspired by the Holy Spirit, but He chose Paul as the vessel to pour His Word into, and through that broken vessel His Word poured out to us. I would love to take a pot of the freshly ground and brewed specialty coffee I’m so fond of, sit down with Paul in his jail cell and ask him how he did it. What advice do you have for someone else who has decided to take up writing as a second career or retirement venture? Unless you’re a crazy masochist, don’t do it. I don’t understand people who say they love to write. I’m like so many other writers who have said they don’t want to write a book but to have written one. But here I am doing it again. Don’t get me wrong. I just feel the same way about writing as I did about driving a truck. I’ve had a love/hate relationship with trucking for many years. I loved the freedom of the open road. I loved the windshield therapy when I drove my truck down the highway. Just thinking about it makes me want to get back out there. I start trying to figure out how I can balance driving a big rig with my career as a writer. But I know when I got back out there, in about two weeks I would be kicking myself and thinking, What in the world were you thinking, Kelly Mack McCoy? And I would be trying to figure out how to fix the mess I’d gotten myself into…again! I have a similar love/hate relationship with writing. And I’ve discovered I have a lot of company out there. I’m sure there are many writers who write for publication who love what they do. But since so many of us struggle to find time to write only to sabotage ourselves when we have that time, tells me I’m not the only who is driven crazy by writing. What message do you hope readers take away from this book? That God often works in and through our lives in unexpected ways and He is always at work in ways we can’t even fathom. So many people and circumstances are intertwined when events unfold in our lives, how can we expect to understand what God is doing in our lives or the lives of those around us? Sometimes, He allows us to take a little peek inside His realm as He is at work but more often, we don’t get to see or understand what He is doing in any given situation. Isn’t that what faith is about? Not knowing, but trusting? In the novel, Mack’s whole life changes dramatically and all his plans begin to unravel. When this happens to us, we want to hold things together ourselves. But you get a hint that God had different plans for Mack when you read the quote at the top of the back cover – ‘…When your plans unravel it may be God who is pulling the strings…’. What new adventure awaits Mack in this series? Rough Way to the High Way is a stand-alone novel. But suffice to say, the intrigue continues. When readers read The End on the last page of this book so many of them have asked me if this or that character is going to be back. The only one everybody is sure about is Mack, obviously, but some have fallen in love with other characters as well and want to see them come back for the sequel. I can’t say which ones without giving too much away now. But I can say many of the main characters will return. But at least one important one will not. How’s that for a teaser? It’s quite an experience for me to see so many people who are concerned about some of the characters. As I said earlier, I become so immersed in the story that for a time it becomes my reality. It’s the same for all of us when we read or listen to a good book. I don’t think there is any kind of objective standard as to whether a novel is well written. But if readers are able to suspend disbelief early on in a novel that’s a good indication you’ve been successful as a storyteller.
Portrait of Kelly Mack McCoy is a semi (pun intended) retired truck driver turned author. He spent most of his career behind the wheel of an eighteen-wheeler traveling extensively through forty-eight states gathering a lifetime of material for his books. Rough Way to the High Way is his first novel and the first in a series of novels about the adventures of trucker turned pastor turned trucker, Mack McClain. Visit Kelly Mack McCoy online Portrait of Rough Way to the Highway Pastor turned long-haul trucker, Mack, struggles with grief and perceived failures as a minister while he is confronted with a mysterious hitchhiker, smugglers, and a determined killer. After an unbearable tragedy strikes his life, he sells everything he owns and buys a new Peterbilt truck, returning to the trade he learned decades earlier. Hoping for some windshield therapy and peace of mind behind the wheel of his new rig, Mack gets neither after God nudges him to pick up a hitchhiker near the Jordan State Prison outside Mack’s childhood home of Pampa, Texas. The story unfolds as the hitchhiker enters Mack’s Peterbilt. The man reminds Mack of his father, a hard living, hard drinking oilfield roughneck who died in prison. God begins to do a work in Mack’s heart while Mack seeks to minister to his new passenger. But Mack soon rues the day he let the hitchhiker into his truck. His old life in ruins now, Mack learns he has angered a new enemy who threatens to destroy his life on the road as well. Mack suspects he is being followed and is in the sights of a killer who plots a revenge no one could have seen coming. ISBN: 031010372X Publisher: Elm Hill
Tell us about yourself and how many books you have written. I am a semi (pun intended) retired truck driver turned author. I spent most of my career behind the wheel of an eighteen-wheeler traveling extensively through forty-eight states gathering a lifetime of material for my books. Rough Way to the High Way is the first of a series of novels, although Rough Way to the High Way is a stand alone book. I live in the beautiful Hill Country of Texas in the town of Spring Branch with my lovely wife, Miss Emily and our two Yorkies, Dixie and Dolly. What is the name of your latest book and what inspired it? Rough Way to the High Way is my first novel and the first in a forthcoming series of novels about the adventures of trucker turned pastor turned trucker Mack McClain. I had a little time when the trucking company I worked for went bankrupt, so I decided the time was right to take my writing seriously. I found an awesome writers group where I met some good writers who helped to draw out the writer in me. One of those, John Floyd Mills, was a former writer with now defunct San Antonio Light newspaper. John had recently published a novel, Buried. He also had started his own publishing company, Franklin Scribes Publishing, to help writers to see their labors of love on through to publishing since he knew all the ins and outs of the industry and knew how the process worked from beginning to end. John liked my writing style and he approached me with the idea of the two of us partnering together to write a series of novels about a trucker and his adventures out on the road. I had such a thing in mind as well for some time, but never followed through with it, so I agreed. It turned out our writing styles were just too different for us to write together, so he moved on and wrote a sequel to his novel, and I ran with the other project on my own. Did I say ran? Stumbled and fell would be more accurate. After I started on the novel, my crazy life got in the way once more, and my book was buried like the protagonist in John’s novel. And just like his protagonist, there was no way my novel would ever see the light of day without some dramatic event to cause it to see the light again. That dramatic event was John’s death. After he died, I decided it was do or die for me as a writer as well. Sadly, for most writers it’s die, not do. The scrap of manuscript that would become Rough Way to the High Way seemed to call out to me from that dusty drawer each day thereafter. It could no more be ignored than John’s protagonist buried underground. Do you have any unusual writing habits? I’m a firm believer in having balance in all areas of life, including my writing life. The problem I have is I’ve never been able to pull it off. So my life as a writer is much like the rest of my life – pretty chaotic. So I steal precious moments from chaos and find creative moments to have productive writing time. What authors, or books have influenced you? Not to sound overly spiritual, but the Bible is hands down number one. What an incredible story is told within the pages of the books contained therein. I’ve been a miserable failure as a Christian but I’m still learning. The Bible is the only book I know of that you can read and never tire of learning new things from it. C.S. Lewis is the Christian author who probably had the most influence on me. And I love the styles of John Steinbeck and Ernest Hemingway, though Hemingway with his rather sad obsession with death could lead you to be a little depressed. What are you working on now? The sequel to Rough Way to the High Way has first priority. Readers are asking for it already. And I have, as usual, a number of other writing irons in the fire. What is your best method or website when it comes to promoting your books? I’m learning as I go on that one. I’m doing a lot of promotion on Facebook, some paid but mostly free. A lot of people are being so kind as to share my posts. Some share them regularly to their sites. I’ve even had some rather large sites pick up and share my posts, which is awesome and very much appreciated. Also I’m starting to do some interviews, written, audio, and video on radio stations and podcasts. And lots of book signings and the promotions that go along with them. Do you have any advice for new authors? I would advise writers to do what I was advised to do: Sit Down And Write. Sounds easy. But strangely enough it’s not or we wouldn’t be so creative in avoiding doing it. I’m a pretty creative person. That’s helpful at times, in fact it would be impossible to write a decent novel without being creative. But, boy can I be creative in coming up with ways to avoid the S.D.A.W rule. What is the best advice you have ever heard? I’ve was advised and then learned the hard way anyway that you just have to sit down and write. And you have to tell that inner critic to shut up when you do. What are you reading now? Flow: The Psychology of Optimal Experience by Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi. What’s next for you as a writer? As long as God gives me breath on this earth I will continue to write books that I hope will touch many lives and inspire others. As I said before I have lots of irons in the fire, fiction and nonfiction, so a lot of things can happen to help determine which iron is pulled out first. If you were going to be stranded on a desert island and allowed to take 3 or 4 books with you what books would you bring? The Bible. Just the Bible. Because I probably wouldn’t make it off of the island alive. There wouldn’t be anyone left to be influenced by me or anything I would do or write. So I would study the only book that mattered at that point.
Author: Kelly Mack McCoy Genre: Mystery/Suspense Pastor turned long-haul trucker, Mack, struggles with grief and perceived failures as a minister while he is confronted with a mysterious hitchhiker, smugglers, and a determined killer. A journey that began as a search for solitude and windshield therapy after his wife Georgia's murder becomes a high stakes adventure as a Texas Ranger and high ranking FBI agent seek to track down her killer.
Reviewer: Kandace Perry Rough Way to the High Way by Kelly Mack McCoy is both interesting and engaging. McCoy draws you in to the world of a long-haul truck driver and the obstacles he faces along the way. It was particularly appealing to me personally since my husband is a long haul truck driver, though I am quite thankful that he has not had the same experiences as Mack! Rough Way to the High Way reminds us that life is full of obstacles, challenges, twists and turns, however, when we are faithful God is always with us and we will never travel the winding road alone.
Pastor turned long-haul trucker, Mack, struggles with grief and perceived failures as a minister while he is confronted with a mysterious hitchhiker, smugglers, and a determined killer. After an unbearable tragedy strikes his life, he sells everything he owns and buys a new Peterbilt truck, returning to the trade he learned decades earlier. Hoping for some windshield therapy and peace of mind behind the wheel of his new rig, Mack gets neither after God nudges him to pick up a hitchhiker near the Jordan State Prison outside Mack’s childhood home of Pampa, Texas. When his world is ripped apart, he seeks to run away from it all, going as far as to cut off communication with all but a handful of people. But he is pursued by God, who will not let him go. Unbeknownst to Mack, God is equipping His servant with tools to handle events his past education and experience could never have prepared him for. The story unfolds as the hitchhiker enters Mack’s Peterbilt. The man reminds Mack of his father, a hard living, hard drinking oilfield roughneck who died in prison. God begins to do a work in Mack’s heart while Mack seeks to minister to his new passenger. But Mack soon rues the day he let the hitchhiker into his truck. His old life in ruins now, Mack learns he has angered a new enemy who threatens to destroy his life on the road as well. Mack suspects he is being followed and is in the sights of a killer who plots a revenge no one could have seen coming. God works His mysterious way in Mack’s life steamroller-style all the way to an ending that will leave the reader thinking about it long after reading The End at the bottom of the last page. Rough Way to the High Way is the first of a series of novels about Mack’s adventures on the road as lives are transformed through his new ministry. The first life to be transformed as Rough Way to the High Way develops appears to be that of the hitchhiker. But God is working in Mack’s life all along, preparing him for a new ministry that will transform lives across the country.
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Best Truck Driver (TV Pilot)
Please introduce yourself.
My name is Kelly Mack McCoy. I started driving a truck back in 1974. I'll let you guys do the math to figure out how old I am but will give you one little hint. I started driving at twenty-one years of age which was then and still is the minimum age requirement to drive interstate. So, I've been driving a very long time.
What made you get into being a trucker?
I come from a rather rough background. I grew up in the Oak Cliff section of Dallas. My dad was an alcoholic and verbally abusive. Not so much physically as he was too drunk for that. As soon as I turned twenty-one, I hit the road for a little bit of adventure and to see the world out there.
What are your driving accomplishments?
I drove probably three or four million miles. I really don't know for sure. The companies I worked for didn't keep track of the miles and neither did I. But it has to be at least that much. I was fortunate to never have an accident in all that time, which I attribute to the grace of God. My main accomplishment is driving while driving all those many miles accident-free. And, I would say it’s an accomplishment just staying alive period all these years. Sadly, many guys my age have been dead for several years. The average lifespan for a trucker is just sixty-one years of age.
What kind of weather conditions have you driven in?
Everything kind of weather you can think of. I've driven forty-eight states through every weather condition you can think of. Blizzards, hurricanes, tornadoes and everything else. Back in the day you didn't have the fancy electronic equipment to let you know if bad weather was ahead. You just kind of ran into it and dealt with it.
Have you had heroic or interesting encounters on the road?
There's nothing that I would call heroic. But I’ve had a lot of interesting encounters to be sure. The first one that comes to mind was when I had probably six months experience. I was a lead driver, believe it or not, and went down the grapevine in California with no trailer brakes whatsoever. Young and stupid me passed up the mandatory brake check station. I didn’t see any California Highway Patrol cars so down I went. I very nearly killed myself and my co-driver on that little adventure.
What kind of trucks can you drive?
Pretty much everything under the Sun. I've driven a seven-speed, eight-speed, ten-speed, thirteen-speed, fifteen-speed and even a two stick once. I haven't driven an eighteen-speed. That's probably my next truck if I go out and buy one.
What makes you a good truck driver?
As I said, I attribute the fact that I haven't had an accident all these years to the grace of God. But as far as what I can control, I always allow a lot of space all around me – especially in front. That's probably the number one thing anyone can do to greatly reduce the likelihood of being involved in an accident.
How would you describe your personality?
I think it’s better for somebody else to do that but since you asked, I would say I'm very outgoing, uplifting and positive person but I actually like to keep to myself much of the time, so I do have that dual aspect of my personality.
What is the toughest thing about being a truck driver?
Trucking tends to be an all-consuming occupation whether you're over the road or local. If you
over the road you're gone all the time. You're away from your family and don't really have a life. Even if you’re local the job tends to be all-consuming as well. You get up early in the morning or late at night, whatever shift you have, and you work all the time until you get back home and crash for a few hours and then get up the next day and do it again. And you’ll work six or sometimes even seven days a week – often until you run out of hours and can no longer legally drive.
All Mack wants to do is deliver a truckload of swinging meat to Chicago and forget about his troubles. After the tragic death of his wife, he hands over his ministry to a junior preacher and returns to his first job as a truck driver. But things take a dangerous turn his first time back on the road. Someone is hell-bent on ensuring Mack doesn’t make it to Chicago in one piece. His adventure is further complicated when he picks up a mysterious hitchhiker. To make matters worse, he appears to be caught in the middle of some agribusiness hanky-panky involving top government officials and an imprisoned crime boss. Rough Way to the High Way is Kelly Mack McCoy’s first novel, and I could hardly tell. McCoy writes with poise and fluency that pulls you in and keeps you captivated. This Christian fiction novel takes you on a journey along the highways while looking through the lens of a preacher-turned-trucker. McCoy’s delightful mix of colorful, humorous conversations, light-hearted banter and a twist laden plot did an excellent job of keeping me engaged. Not to mention that there was this mysterious hitchhiker that kept me guessing about his actual identity all through the story. McCoy also provides a rich reading experience with his choice of words and how he strings them together. The man genuinely has a way with words. This is visible in how he describes metaphysical scenarios using figures of speech and analogies that bring those elements to life and turn them into vivid images. I also loved how he offered faith-based insights, enlightening stories (I was very touched by Horatio Spafford’s story) and philosophical toppings. The author zooms in on several issues, with one being the pain of losing a loved one. He shows that after such tragedy, our strongest anchors, including our faith, can be jolted by the tremors of grief and despair. McCoy also reminds us of the possibility of learning life lessons from the unlikeliest of sources.
Rough Way to the High Way by Kelly Mack McCoy is an inspirational novel that explores the workings of God’s grace in the ordinary and troubled life of a former pastor as he deals with an unbearable loss. After the murder of his wife, Georgia, Mack’s life as a pastor is upended, so he sells everything and buys a new Peterbilt truck. He leaves behind everything, even disconnecting from most people he has known in life, and sets out on the road trucking — a profession he enjoyed decades ago. Along the highway, as he leaves his town of Pampa behind and compelled by an inner voice, he picks a hitchhiker just where a sign says: Do Not Pickup Hitchhikers. Along the way, he encounters different characters, both good and bad, runs into trouble with police officers, deals with smugglers and a killer. While he has left behind his vocation and hometown, God has not left him as He provides tools for a new mission and opens Mack’s eyes to new ways of serving Him. I loved this novel and the author’s unique gift for writing characters that are interesting and real. From the waitress Barb to the cops, Pipe Cleaner, and Round Face, to Agent Red Face, Mr. Tobacco, Rocky, Blondie, and Dr. Hashim, the author creates characters with a strong role in the story. They are humanly relatable and fleshed out. The quirkiness in the naming of characters is an element of the story that I liked. The story is filled with twists and turns, and the author develops plot points that are unexpected. Barb is one of my favorite characters; she is self-effacing, yet interesting in the way she opens Mack’s eyes to the real world. Rough Way to the High Way is cleverly plotted and written in exceptionally good prose. The story is filled with insightful moments and drama while offering strong spiritual lessons.
Rough Way to the High Way by Kelly Mack McCoy 'An Extraordinary Novel' – Midwest Book Review – Pastor turned long-haul trucker, Mack, struggles with grief and perceived failures as a minister while he is confronted with a mysterious hitchhiker, smugglers, and a determined killer. A journey that began as a search for solitude and windshield therapy after his wife Georgia's murder becomes a high stakes adventure as a Texas Ranger and high ranking FBI agent seek to track down her killer. A pair of hapless criminals botch an attempted break in of Mack's trailer which leads to the discovery of a sinister plot involving Georgia's killer. Mack's journey from his hometown of Pampa, Texas to Chicago introduces a cast of characters who seek to use him to deliver a load far more destructive than anyone could have imagined.
First Thoughts I was pleasantly surprised, once I scrolled onto the first page of Kelly Mack McCoy’s debut novel, to find it well-written, edited, and formatted. (Once I researched Elm Hill, I was again surprised to learn about HarperCollins’ independent-publishing imprint!) Don’t be fooled—this is not your average indie book, debut novel, or mystery. I wasn’t quite sure in the beginning where the mystery, danger, or excitement was coming in. Like other readers, I felt a lag—but the story began to pick up as I met new characters, learned more about Mack (our preacher-trucker-detective protagonist), and sensed the encroaching danger. The Plot The overall plot of Rough Way to the High Way is a little...undefinable. There’s no perceivable beginning, middle, or end—it’s one event after the other along the road to Chicago. This is both an escapist thriller and the spiritual journey of our hero Mack, as he struggles with grief over his wife’s death (which he believes was actually murder) and his lack of purpose now that he’s quit the ministry. For readers who like a strong, well thought-out, defined book with a step-by-step plot, this book isn’t for you. It’s a little too close to our protagonist, a little too unexpected, and a little too much fun! In some ways, I think having a stronger plot (with all the proper incidents and climaxes) might have been preferred. It would have given the story a backbone and made things flow better than being figuratively smacked in in the face by new happenings. In other ways, however, I can how see the escapism (which I mean in a nice way, y’all) and the wild road we travel with Mack makes the story better and more intriguing. The Characters We don’t really get to know anyone as well as Mack. The secondary characters—Barb, Ricky, Ben, etc.—stay a respectable arm’s length away from our protagonist. That allows us to grow with Mack and feel for him, even if the story’s written in a limited third-person perspective. As for Mack, he’s got the tough, kind of sarcastic demeanor we associate with truckers, but his faith in God gives him a relatable, approachable air. We don’t ever get fully into his perspective (which I missed...first-person POV might have made the story even richer), but we get to know him like we would the fun uncle who always gives us candy and plays catch with the boys. His story, faith, and journey are so relatable! I honestly feel like the author pulled from not only his own experiences with trucking but also from life lessons and his relationship with God. Mack had his faults (such as being a little gullible), but he had a lot going for him, which made him a lovable protagonist. The Subject Well, suffice it to say I learned a lot about trucking! That aspect of the novel was executed perfectly, of course. Everything felt so real (maybe a little 1980s-’90s, but those decades just fit the aura much better, if you know what I mean!), but I will admit that the other stuff was a bit lacking. I feel like McCoy was trying to do a wee bit too much. I mean, terrorists tied to his wife’s murder? Government cover-ups? I don’t know. The big-city crimes didn’t jive with the small town trucking aura. Of course, once you tie in the supernatural elements, you’re left with either the whole spice cabinet in your gumbo or a really flavorful soup—it all depends on your perspective. For some, I think the combination would work. For me, I would have liked either or—a slow mystery on the dusty highway out of Texas or a thrilling battle between the government and terrorists. Either way, he tied everything together, left no loose ends, and created a convincing mystery—one that was full of twists and turns! Even though Mack’s Heaven and Hell encounters kind of came out of nowhere, I think they were well-executed and played into Mack’s journey well. (And, of course, I love a well-executed encounter scene!) The Prose McCoy has a strong, straightforward prose. It’s even and stable, balanced between description and, well, non-description. I missed getting closer to Mack, missed the emotion, and missed hearing his voice. However, the author had a clean voice and polished prose. And, just throwing this in for extra, I really liked his naming of the other characters—like Mr. Tire Man and Officer Pipe Cleaner. I’ve done the same before, so it’s great to see another author do so! And the cemetery/seminary confusion only serves to make Mack seem more real, and both things give him and the story more flavor! Long Story Short… I honestly was surprised by how good Rough Way to the High Way was. It had its low points, yes, but McCoy gave us a strong escapist story that thrills, excites, and inspires. Mack is a fun, relatable character, and his journey is one that speaks to us all (even if we weren’t involved in murders and schemes to take over the world)!
The story began as Mack drove along the highway in his truck as he left his hometown of Pampa behind. Eccentric and God fearing as he has always been, a voice told him to pick up a hitchhiker who incidentally was sitting just under a sign with the inscription “DO NOT PICKUP HITCHHIKERS!” He obeyed the silent voice and it turned out the mysterious hitchhiker was an ex convict who was just released from prison as he was made to believe. It was not until Mack made a brief stopover at a joint that a street-smart waitress informed him he could be in trouble. Not long after, Mack could see the red flag flying high as two cops stood outside waiting for him. One unique thing about the book is the funny names of its characters. With names such as Officers Pipe Cleaner and Round Face, Mr. Bull Hauler and Blondie, Rocky, Mr. Tobacco, Mr. Tire, Agent Red Face etc as well as the way the author pierces words together in some instances are enough to send the reader rolling on the floor with laughter. Mack only thought he was doing the work of a Good Samaritan but never knew he was getting himself into a hell of a trouble with the cops. His extreme spiritual belief sometimes made him odd in the eyes of others. Barb on her part may be a little old for her job as a waitress but she was as smart as she was humorous, probably more lively and full of life than the average high school teenager. She developed more than a passing interest in Mack and couldn’t hide her feelings, not that she bothered anyway. Dr. Hashim lived a respectable lifestyle as a medical practitioner but no one knew he was planning a terror attack that will make 9/11 appear like a child’s play, and the nuclear device was expected to destroy about half of Chicago. Barb got to know about the planned attack and gave Mack a heads up but he didn’t take her serious until it was almost too late. Rough Way to the Highway has enough thrills to keep any reader going from page to page until the last word.
Hoping for some windshield therapy and peace of mind behind the wheel of his new rig, Mack gets neither after God nudges him to pick up a hitchhiker near the Jordan State Prison outside Mack's childhood home of Pampa, Texas. When his world is ripped apart, he seeks to run away from it all, going as far as to cut off communication with all but a handful of people. But he is pursued by God, who will not let him go. Unbeknownst to Mack, God is equipping His servant with tools to handle events his past education and experience could never have prepared him for. The story unfolds as the hitchhiker enters Mack's Peterbilt. The man reminds Mack of his father, a hard living, hard drinking oilfield roughneck who died in prison. God begins to do a work in Mack's heart while Mack seeks to minister to his new passenger. But Mack soon rues the day he let the hitchhiker into his truck. His old life in ruins now, Mack learns he has angered a new enemy who threatens to destroy his life on the road as well. Mack suspects he is being followed and is in the sights of a killer who plots a revenge no one could have seen coming. God works His mysterious way in Mack's life steamroller-style all the way to an ending that will leave the reader thinking about it long after reading The End at the bottom of the last page. Rough Way to the High Way is the first of a series of novels about Mack's adventures on the road as lives are transformed through his new ministry. The first life to be transformed as Rough Way to the High Way develops appears to be that of the hitchhiker. But God is working in Mack's life all along, preparing him for a new ministry that will transform lives across the country.
Pastor turned long-haul trucker, Mack, struggles with grief and perceived failures as a minister while he is confronted with a mysterious hitchhiker, smugglers, and a determined killer. After an unbearable tragedy strikes his life, he sells everything he owns and buys a new Peterbilt truck, returning to the trade he learned decades earlier. Hoping for some windshield therapy and peace of mind behind the wheel of his new rig, Mack gets neither after God nudges him to pick up a hitchhiker near the Jordan State Prison outside Mack's childhood home of Pampa, Texas. When his world is ripped apart, he seeks to run away from it all, going as far as to cut off communication with all but a handful of people. But he is pursued by God, who will not let him go. Unbeknownst to Mack, God is equipping His servant with tools to handle events his past education and experience could never have prepared him for. The story unfolds as the hitchhiker enters Mack's Peterbilt. The man reminds Mack of his father, a hard living, hard drinking oilfield roughneck who died in prison. God begins to do a work in Mack's heart while Mack seeks to minister to his new passenger. But Mack soon rues the day he let the hitchhiker into his truck. His old life in ruins now, Mack learns he has angered a new enemy who threatens to destroy his life on the road as well. Mack suspects he is being followed and is in the sights of a killer who plots a revenge no one could have seen coming. God works His mysterious way in Mack's life steamroller-style all the way to an ending that will leave the reader thinking about it long after reading The End at the bottom of the last page. Rough Way to the High Way is the first of a series of novels about Mack's adventures on the road as lives are transformed through his new ministry. The first life to be transformed as Rough Way to the High Way develops appears to be that of the hitchhiker. But God is working in Mack's life all along, preparing him for a new ministry that will transform lives across the country.
Although the nature of this book is not a topic I would have chosen on my own, I enjoyed the fast pace and the suspense, as well as the strong characters. Characters: More stories need characters like Mack! He is adventurous and spunky, yet wise and mature. He adds just the right amount of spice to the story. Barb--the spunky, friendly waitress who tries to mentor Mack. The Hitchhiker. I do not want to say much to give anything away, so I'll just describe him as a shady character. Cons: I felt that the story was weak in the area of names. I mean Mr. Target, Officer Pipe Cleaner, Mr. Bull Header...to me these names told me the author lacked inspiration when coming up with them. I definitely am not an author, but I can come up with more intriguing names right now on the spot. I would have enjoyed the story more if the names were more creative. This might sound a trifle picky on my part, but to a reader, the names are the first thing they are introduced to in the book. The names introduce them to the characters they will be spending the next few hours, days, weeks, etc. with. And they give the reader a glimpse at the author's writing style before diving deep into the story. Therefore, I have to say that I was disappointed in this area. Pros: The story was especially strong in the area of descriptions and language. All the scenes were written so well as to give the reader a feel of living in Mack's shoes. As this was a trucker-themed book, the language is certainly very important in really giving the story the correct feel. Let me just say, the author aced this! He wrote the language so well, that if I were to read it as a read-aloud book, I would not need to make up my own accent because the author already wrote it down for me. I especially enjoyed/appreciated the authors' sense of adventure in his characters. Mack sure didn't lack an adventurous spirit and he was willing to go off the beaten path to add some spice to his life. He also never passed up an opportunity to better someone else--even if it meant risking his own safety and comfort. I really appreciated that in a character.
Rough Way to the High Way Auteur: Kelly Mack Mccoy ISBN: 9780310103721 ISBN10: 031010372X Uitgever: Elm Hill Taal: Engels Bindwijze: Paperback Publicatiedatum: 2019-03-05 Geillustreerd: Nee Waar te koop Extra info Reviews Verslagen Waar te koop: Bol.com Rough Way to the High Way Kelly Mack Mccoy 28 days (€ 0,00) € 20,99 Amazon Rough Way to the High Way As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases. Pastor turned long-haul trucker, Mack, struggles with grief and perceived failures as a minister while he is confronted with a mysterious hitchhiker, smugglers, and a determined killer. After an unbearable tragedy strikes his life, he sells everything he owns and buys a new Peterbilt truck, returning to the trade he learned decades earlier. Hoping for some windshield therapy and peace of mind behind the wheel of his new rig, Mack gets neither after God nudges him to pick up a hitchhiker near the Jordan State Prison outside Macks childhood home of Pampa, Texas. When his world is ripped apart, he seeks to run away from it all, going as far as to cut off communication with all but a handful of people. But he is pursued by God, who will not let him go. Unbeknownst to Mack, God is equipping His servant with tools to handle events his past education and experience could never have prepared him for. The story unfolds as the hitchhiker enters Macks Peterbilt. The man reminds Mack of his father, a hard living, hard drinking oilfield roughneck who died in prison. God begins to do a work in Macks heart while Mack seeks to minister to his new passenger. But Mack soon rues the day he let the hitchhiker into his truck. His old life in ruins now, Mack learns he has angered a new enemy who threatens to destroy his life on the road as well. Mack suspects he is being followed and is in the sights of a killer who plots a revenge no one could have seen coming. God works His mysterious way in Macks life steamroller-style all the way to an ending that will leave the reader thinking about it long after reading The End at the bottom of the last page. Rough Way to the High Way is the first of a series of novels about Macks adventures on the road as lives are transformed through his new ministry. The first life to be transformed as Rough Way to the High Way develops appears to be that of the hitchhiker. But God is working in Macks life all along, preparing him for a new ministry that will transform lives across the country. Gerelateerde boeken Rough Way to the High Way 9780310103745 | 0310103746 | Kelly Mack Mccoy Minimaal 1 aanbieding Rough Way to the High Way 9780310103738 | 0310103738 | Kelly Mack Mccoy
Marco F
Reviewed in the United States on May 10, 2022
Verified Purchase
This book is indeed captivating and full of life lessons. We never stop learning, and this read is perfect if you wish to expand your knowledge of religion. I recommend this one.
Great Spiritual Read
Reviewed in the United States on April 4, 2022
Very good read, kudos to the author
Amazon Customer
Good read, look forward to more.
Reviewed in the United States on March 27, 2022
I stopped in at the Little America truck stop in Wyoming last week and picked up this book. I was happily surprised with it. It was exciting and spiritual. It's the type of book I will keep to read again down the road. Thank you and look forward to more to come.
Trucking as a vehicle for religious inspiration
Reviewed in the United States on March 8, 2022
Verified Purchase
Rough Way to the High Way by Kelly Mack McCoy is a trucker's tale about Christian inspiration mixed in with a crime thriller. It's well written though the dialog sometimes drags and seems repetitive. I would recommend the book for readers of all ages who might enjoy a different take on a familiar trope—an unsolved murder investigation.
Margaret S.
Delightful and Thought Provoking
Reviewed in the United States on March 1, 2022
Verified Purchase
The main character, Mack, is a preacher turned truck driver. His adventures begin when he picks up a hitchhiker. While driving his load to Chicago, Mack has one mishap after another. How will it end? Read the book and find out. This novel draws you in and is a pleasure to read. The characters are wonderfully created, and the dialog and expressions are delightful. You will keep reading to find out what happens next.
Jessica Lykins
Rough way to the highway
Reviewed in the United States on February 23, 2022
Verified Purchase
Great story. Not your average preacher story. I really enjoyed it. It shows that preachers are humans too that struggle with the same things we do. It’s a religious story without being to preachy. I loved that most of the characters where called by their description like officer pipe cleaner. I think even if you are not too religious you would enjoy the mystery side of the story.
I think you need to be religious
Reviewed in the United States on February 7, 2022
Verified Purchase
The author loves god or so it would seem, fine but for me, I found the concept armed down my throat a bit. The main character is told what to do by God and gets into trouble. It just wasn't for me but I understand that it may be for most others so I'm not going to mark it down to much but I found it tedious and unnecessary. I hope the book is enjoyed but the god-fearing folk who I'm sure to understand this more than me.
Reviewed in the United States on January 28, 2022
Verified Purchase
It’s exciting, intriguing, suspenseful, adventure-filled, and humorous. Watch out for the twist and turns! Although it’s a Christian fiction novel, it doesn’t come across as too preachy.
Samuel David Steine
Reviewed in the United States on January 16, 2022
Verified Purchase
People of all beliefs will enjoy this well-written novel. If you have ever wondered what might have happened if you had picked up that hitchhiker you drove past; then this book will make you wonder even more. Rough Way to the High Way is a highly creative but fascinating book that will make a great present. Recommended.
John O. Branch
I recommend this book to everyone!
Reviewed in the United States on January 11, 2022
Verified Purchase
I thoroughly enjoyed reading this book! Truly mysterious at times and emotionally stirring! I am looking forward to reading my next Kelly Mack McCoy novel!
Jinn K
Enjoyed it!
Reviewed in the United States on December 30, 2021
An imaginative and suspense filled book that was well written. Easy to read and a slow calming pace… I definitely enjoyed the plot build up and characters
Great pass time read
Reviewed in the United States on December 9, 2021
Verified Purchase
Such a great pass time read. I am a believer, but not too intense about it, and this was a very good book with a very meaningful lessons. If you're not religious, I still recommend it because it talks about beliefs but not too pushy or too much. Great life lesson that of course had my sensitive self crying when I finished the book.
Reviewed in the United States on December 3, 2021
Verified Purchase
Page turner. Heartwarming and insightful written in ways that capture readers imagination and heart. Fun to read and experience. Creative and wit filled.
Kim M
Waiting for the next trip
Reviewed in the United States on November 21, 2021
Verified Purchase
I had fun with the book and wouldn’t mind future road trips with Mack. The Texas slang and trucker lingo brought a lot of character to the story, and it’s always nice to read a narrative coming from someone with actual life experience.
Sean Dollwet
Excellent mystery
Reviewed in the United States on November 16, 2021
Verified Purchase
This novel surprised me by how much I enjoyed it. It was fast-paced and full of twists and turns, as the reader accompanied Mack on his life-changing adventure. The story keeps the reader guessing as to where it will go next, with many twists and turns. The author did a fantastic job drawing us into the plot with interesting characters and just enough action to keep the pages turning.
Great book
Reviewed in the United States on November 9, 2021
Highly recommend
What a good surprise!
Reviewed in the United States on November 5, 2021
Verified Purchase
Slight spoilers... I wasn't altogether sure exactly what to expect out of Rough Way to the High Way, but I got a lot more than anticipated. It was more than just a quasi-diary of a trucker. From picking up a mysterious hitchhiker near the local prison, making instant friends with a truckstop waitress, and being the victim of an attempted break-in, to having a blowout of a new tire, getting shot at, and finding out his load was far more than he expected, it was delightfully suspenseful. Revolving around a conspiracy theory (albeit subtly at first), the story had Christianity woven throughout in such a way that's bound to draw a few Amens from believers without alienating non-believers. The writing style, while all the author's own, was easy to read and the pacing was, in my opinion, overall really good. I thoroughly enjoyed this book and would most definitely recommend it!
Fresh start!
Reviewed in the United States on October 23, 2021
Verified Purchase
This is a story of a retired preacher who, after his wife's death, sold everything he owned and became a trucker so he can have a fresh start. The narrative began when he picked up a mysterious hitchhiker who went MIA when they arrived at the truck stop. Here he met a waitress who is smart and humorous. This is where the reader would start to discover the backstory for this book. Then he continuous on with his journey where strange things keeps on happening to him. Or is it happening FOR him? After this, you won't want to put this book down. This book is more than just a novel. It's a reminder for us that there is something bigger out there that provides divine occurrences to help us figure out our hearts. A little faith and a lot of guidance from God will go a long way.
Captivating Read.
Reviewed in the United States on October 19, 2021
The author put his thoughts and inspiration into this story. It contains excitement and intrigue as well as valuable lessons. There is enough suspense to keep the pages turning. There are surprises you won't expect also. I recommend to those who enjoy Christian novels.
Twists, turns and conspiracies
Reviewed in the United States on October 18, 2021
The people just seemed to babble on and on, telling their life story to anyone. The main character could have been running from his own feelings, or searching for peace, after his wife’s murder. But he was also listening to God and trying to be faithful as he got tangled in an overwhelming conspiracy. I kept hanging in as I read, waiting for something to happen and all the different pieces to come together. Finally, about the middle of the book, as the plot thickened, the separate events began to form the relationships. The twists, turns, and conspiracies slowly came together and the white hats saved the world! A good story, a little hard to follow in places, and a little corny (some would call it humor) but all in all worth the read.
Plot twists and turns like driving a truck!
Reviewed in the United States on October 16, 2021
I would give this book a 7 out of 10. Who would have thought a truck driver and a hitchhiker would be so entertaining? Or was it a hitchhiker...? I did notice that no one else ever saw the hitchhiker. This is quite a character driven book. The waitresses who served Mack at the truck stops were entertaining, as was the mechanic and the woman who owned the trucking business. It was nice that Mack & one of the waitresses hit it off especially well, as contrasted with the owner of the business who rubbed Mack up the wrong way at times. I enjoyed the overlapping stories of Mack's wife's death and the business owner's husband who also died. Suicide? Accident? Murder? Their stories gradually unfold and are interwoven. I found the middle two chapters about hell and heaven out of place. They seemed to come out of left field. If they were removed the book would still make perfect sense and the flow would not be disrupted. Having said that, I appreciated the other spiritual aspects and references within the story, the allusion to angels, Mack's dream of his wife and the revealing of important information through conversations, thoughts, visions and even street signs. I was thoroughly entertained by the complexities and intrigues of this story! Well done and thank you
That Reader Girl
Couldn't put it down!
Reviewed in the United States on October 9, 2021
This book was gripping from page 1! Definitely holds your interest and takes you on a journey. One person found this helpful
Not horrible, not great
Reviewed in the United States on October 3, 2021
Pretty amateurish cover with grammar, punctuation, and other errors in the body of the book. I sure wish indie writers would study the craft of writing before publication, or pay for artists, editors, and mentors to help them.
Alexa Sommers
Not bad
Reviewed in the United States on September 30, 2021
A decent read with an interesting storyline, the metaphors were heavy handed and distracted from the flow but it was okay overall.
great read
Reviewed in the United States on September 22, 2021
This is a well-written page turner with lots of unexpected twists. The characters are awesome and the main character is easily loved. I love the mystery and suspense.
steven phillippe
Well done
Reviewed in the United States on September 18, 2021
High intensity lots of plots and twists. Worth the read.
Entertaining Read
Reviewed in the United States on September 13, 2021
Rough Way to the High Way by Kelly Mack McCoy is a fun read. Interesting, entertaining, and engaging. A great mystery and suspense novel with lots of twists in the plot that will keep readers guessing.
Collinscb 1
A great spiritual novel
Reviewed in the United States on September 10, 2021
Verified Purchase
Great book with excellent character development. The pace was a bit slow, but otherwise an enjoyable and compelling read
LA Lionesss
Fantastic Christian fiction
Reviewed in the United States on September 5, 2021
Verified Purchase
liked the story in this Christian fiction book. It is fast-paced and involves interesting characters like a pastor, murderer, smuggler, FBI agent, and more. The pastor's wife is murdered and get over the trauma he turns a trucker! Interesting story that keeps you glued to the pages!
Julie Crane
Surprisingly good road novel
Reviewed in the United States on September 5, 2021
Verified Purchase
This is actually a road book worth reading with suspense, intrigue, life lessons and real feelings. The author did a great job pulling us into the story with compelling characters (who he does a great job describing) and just enough action to keep the pages turning. I’m a big fan of noir and this has a lot of those elements; a struggling and imperfect protagonist, snappy writing and surprising turns. There are a lot of debut novels floating about and this one is head and shoulders above them. I also appreciated that the biblical stuff wasn’t in your face or overwrought, instead making for a meaningful story with thoughtful lessons.
Thought provoking book!
Reviewed in the United States on September 2, 2021
The book has some fantastic characterizations and super deep conversations that are though-provoking. An unique book that has all the elements of suspense and humor.
Mark van
Couldn't put it away!
Reviewed in the United States on September 1, 2021
Verified Purchase
This book got me rethinking many things in my life. The main character is a truck driver that used to be a preacher and that just struck a cord with me from the get go! There are many unexpected twists. 5 stars!
I love books!
Great Message!
Engaging read Reviewed in the United States on August 31, 2021
Verified Purchase
This author is a great storyteller and will grab your attention from page one. If I had to critique it, some of the dialogue seems a little wooden but overall a great read!
High stakes adventure
Reviewed in the United States on August 31, 2021
A mysterious hitchhiker, smugglers, and a determined killer all lead Mack onto a journey filled with twists and turns and dreams and visions. Well-written, edited, and formatted. Honestly feel like the author pulled from his own experiences with trucking and also from life lessons and his relationship with God. I learned a lot about trucking! Mack is a fun, relatable character, and his journey is one that speaks to us all. All sorts of eccentric, entertaining characters.
Rose Anderson
Good story and message
Reviewed in the United States on August 22, 2021
There's a good story in here, but the book needs a professional developmental editor's help to pick up the pacing in the beginning and fix some other things throughout. The story does get really rolling toward the end, but we haven't been prepared for what comes. It's a little all over the map (ha! pun intended), but it is a good story with a good message.
Sunny DelSegno
Really Enjoyed
Reviewed in the United States on August 18, 2021
I actually loved this book! As a sucker for the movie "Reservoir Dogs", I thoroughly enjoyed that each person was called by a nickname as opposed to a traditional name. I felt that it gave a good sense of each character as well!
Reviewed in the United States on August 13, 2021
Verified Purchase
Having read only the title and skimming the description, I wasn’t quite expecting what I got. I assumed Rough Way to the High Way to be a low-stakes character study of a preacher-turned-trucker dealing with grief and learning some lessons from the folks he meets along the way. That’s true, but the book takes a surprising detour into suspense and conspiracy theories, with some old school proselytizing along the way. Did the book need the literal life-or-death, 1990s action flick stakes? Not really. But it gave the author something to hang his character arcs on, so I’m not that bothered by it. If I have any critiques of the book, it’s that some of the conversation scenes drag, and we often have the lead character repeating bits in dialogue the reader has already witnessed. I’m also not sure why the book’s written from a fairly straightforward omniscient point of view when Mack is present in every scene and we’re seeing the story through his eyes. Sometimes we’re given Mack’s thoughts in italics, but it’s odd the author didn’t simply write the entire text in Sympathetic Perspective, with the narration taking on Mack’s “voice.” Overall, I had fun with the book and wouldn’t mind future road trips with Mack. The Texas slang and trucker lingo brought a lot of character to the story, and it’s always nice to read a narrative coming from someone with actual life experience.
Loved it!
Reviewed in the United States on August 12, 2021
Verified Purchase
A wonderful and thought-provoking tale, well told. I loved preacher-turned truck-driver, Mack, such a likable character who seemed real to me. From his faith to his questions of the Almighty, this story rolls the reader elegantly down the highway of life and the mysterious. Being from the Texas Panhandle, this book was especially enjoyable as it made me think of my uncles and aunts and that "plain-speak" I miss hearing from them. Great twists and turns that will keep you guessing and turning pages to the very end.
Rough Way to the High Way
Reviewed in the United States on August 11, 2021
Eye opening & soul-searching adventurous journey. Must read. Highly recommended!
Fast Reader
Homegrown wisdom
Reviewed in the United States on July 25, 2021
If you want a breath of fresh country air, spiced up with a pinch of homegrown wisdom, this book is for you. it may come off as a bit preachy, but at its core it is a genuinely warm and kind story about a man finding redemption. The folksy-type language isn't for everybody, but I found it refreshing and overall enjoyable.
Rollin K. Miller
This one sort of sneeks up on you...
Reviewed in the United States on July 22, 2021
And before you know it, you are knee-deep in the story. A well-written tale that is worth the time. So for all of you wannabe truck drivers, pull up a chair, get your glass of iced tea and, turn on the lamp. You are in for a ride that sometimes is a little bumpy but worth every page.
Paul W. Matthews
Reviewed in the United States on July 20, 2021
A really well written book.
An inspiring faith story
Reviewed in the United States on July 19, 2021
Verified Purchase
The story about pastor Mack is very inspiring. It’s well written, contains many twists and good humor. Faith is matched with Bible quotes. A beautiful feed for my soul.
Suspense and mystery
Reviewed in the United States on July 14, 2021
Plot twists will keep readers guessing. I truly found this story to be uplifting. It is fascinating to read. A pastor turned long-distance trucker, deals with sorrow and perceived failings as a preacher while dealing with a mystery hitchhiker, smuggling, and a ruthless killer. A journey that started as a quest for solitude has become a high-stakes thriller as a Texas Ranger and FBI agent strive to find the perpetrator. Well-written fiction that will appeal to anyone. The book is full of adventure and mysteries yet leaning towards the spiritual faith. It also motivates and encourages the reader to make changes in their lives and create positive choices for a better life.
May 14, 2022|Book Reviews
(Christian Inspirational)
Aradhana Thakor
Inspirational and Unforgettable
Aradhana Thakor allows us to look inside the heart of the man everyone knew as Pastor Deepak, but who she was blessed to know as her father. What a beautiful tribute to a great man of God! Thanks for sharing his story, Aradhana. I was inspired to renew my own passion for lost souls after reading of Pastor Deepak's love and compassion for what the world calls the dregs of society. Because of his ministry, we now know these often brutal thieves and murderers, who were just lost souls to Pastor Deepak, as brothers in Christ. His wife, Aradhana's mother, worked alongside him, entering the dark prisons and winning precious souls for Christ as well.
May 14, 2022|Book Reviews
Mike Acker
Increasing Emotional Intelligence
The importance of emotional intelligence has been known and studied for some time. But can it be developed and strengthened like a muscle? Or is it like I.Q. was once thought to be, that is, is it more or less set at birth? Mike Acker not only answers that question, but he shows us practical ways to help us increase our own emotional intelligence. Think of this book as a toolbox that will not only help you fix your own car but also help with everyone else’s cars. - From the Introduction to Connect Trough Emotional Intelligence
May 15, 2022|Book Reviews (Motivational Self-Help) Tony Robbins https://amzn.to/3a3Q723 This Book Delivered Much More than I Expected Wow! Didn't know what to expect with this one. I pre-ordered Life Force when I saw the book advertised because of Tony Robbin's name on the cover. I thought I could use an extra boost of energy for my projects. And boy, did I get it! But not anything like I expected. The book is really not about Tony Robbins. It's about some amazing cutting-edge treatments and therapies for what ails us. I've already benefitted from one, which alone makes the book many times more valuable than the purchase price. I've also given a copy to a friend whose wife has a debilitating condition that threatens to ruin their plans for retirement. Do yourself a favor. Pick up a copy for yourself as well as more for friends and family members who will benefit from some of the treatments and therapies.
https://kellymackmccoy.com/blogs%2Freviews/f/mystery-in-the-jackson-house MYSTERY IN THE JACKSON HOUSE May 14, 2022|Book Reviews (Christian Fiction - Middle Grade) Judy Sheer Watters https://amzn.to/3wugEx1 Mystery with a Message Judy Sheer Watters weaves a tale filled with positive lessons that readers young and old will love. As she says at the beginning of the book, the story is very loosely based on real events which makes for the best fiction. As a retired teacher and secondary Principal, she has the background that allows her insight into the behavior of the mischievous boys at the center of the story. Highly recommended for young readers who will learn valuable life lessons. This promises to be a great series.
May 16, 2022|Book Reviews
(Christian Spiritual Growth)
Dr. Richard Hindmarsh
The Promise of Restoration
This is my second book by Dr. Hindmarsh. I wasn't sure what to expect after seeing the title and cover of Our Fractured Image but decided to read the book since I enjoyed his last book so much. The author is a man with much spiritual depth. He first dives deep into the nature of the fracture and then shows us how God is in the restoration business and is healing our fractured image as we walk with Him.
May 14, 2022|Book Reviews (Christian Fiction - Mystery & Suspense Romance) Allison Pittman https://amzn.to/3whJ8vc Mystery at the Menger This is not the type of book I would usually read (the romance part of the genre, I mean). But since it included a murder mystery set in my hometown of San Antonio, Texas, I decided to expand my horizons a little (like I often do as you may guess from reading my other reviews). I'm so glad I did. Allison Pittman's Lady in Residence draws you into a story that will keep you up at night turning the pages until the mystery of The Lady becomes known to you. Why? Because that mysterious lady is none other than Allison Pittman herself. No, the author is not the reincarnation or ghost of Hedda Krause, or the ghost of the murdered maid who was haunting Hedda. This is all a way of saying the story has such a true to life feel because the author, as much as is possible, lived it herself. From viewing the site of a murder from the window of a room at the Menger Hotel in downtown San Antonio, Texas to sleeping in a room much like Hedda Krause would have lived in during her long stay there, Allison Pittman did her research by living the story to the point of experiencing a bit of Hedda's fear herself. The romance part? - The budding love story of the young couple who dedicate themselves to solving the mystery of The Lady in Residence.
May 21, 2022|Book Reviews (Biography, Humor) Alex Stan Campbell https://amzn.to/3yMSSPD Reads Like a Novel The author spent much of his life seeking love in the wrong places, feeling rejected, alone and abandoned by his birth mother. His life spirals out of control in spite of outward success. No spoilers here about the outcome of his search for his birth mother. The book also provides an eye-opening peek into the radio business through the author's decades long experience in that medium in the U.S. and Canada. His own show is now broadcast throughout the world. I hope he follows up with a novel because this book reads like one. His experience in the radio business, coupled with the fact he is such a good writer will make for an awesome read. Trucker Radio
May 23, 2022|Book Reviews (Entrepreneurship) Bruce Outridge https://amzn.to/3sIACCX Inspirational! Bruce Outridge walked the walk before he talked the talk in writing You're Not Done Yet. He learned through the course of his life not to totally suppress the kid in him as most of us do. We think we must leave our childish dreams behind to live a responsible life. But Bruce reached down deep inside and woke up that inner child and lived out those dreams. For example, like so many boys - including me! - he loved big trucks. So, what did he do? He drove a tractor-trailer for years. He also loved to draw as a kid - like me - so he became an artist. But not a starving artist. He incorporated his art into his business. What is his business? He's an entrepreneur, speaker, marketer, and broadcaster among other things - oh! - and he still serves the trucking industry with The Lead Pedal Podcast for Truck Drivers! The Lead Pedal Podcast for Truck Drivers.
7 Questions with Author Kelly Mack McCoy
May 8, 2019
Esther Rabbit
In today’s interview Kelly Mack McCoy opens up about life as a writer and his process from writing to publishing.
For the ones of you who are new to my blog, I’m Esther Rabbit, writer, content creator for authors and massive nerd. If you’re curious to know all the tips & tricks surrounding the process From Writing To Publishing Your Novel, you’re only a click away. For more goodies, articles and giveaways, please consider subscribing to my Newsletter.
Esther Rabbit: Are you a plotter or a pantser?
One hundred percent pantser. It amazes me how someone can outline a novel before writing it. The closest thing I had to an outline for Rough Way to the High Way was that I knew how it would begin and to a lesser degree how it would end. Once I had that I just started writing to see where the story took me. It was an amazing journey for me just like I hope it is for the reader. I’m getting some awesome feedback now, so I guess this approach worked.
Esther Rabbit: How does a day in your author life look?
I’m a firm believer in having balance in all areas of life, including my author life. The problem I have is I’ve never been able to pull it off. Maybe I’m a pantser in my writing style because I’ve flown by the seat of my pants all my life. My main goal as a child was to survive until adulthood. I didn’t think much about the process or where I was headed. It was simply a matter of survival.
Esther Rabbit: Looking back, what advice would you give yourself at the beginning of your journey?
Just sit down and write. Tell that inner critic to shut up long enough for you to get your writing done for the day. Had I done that long ago I would have several books out now. And when you’re done with that part don’t listen to the outer critics either. You have to persevere and see your book through to publication. You also have to have a target audience for your writing in order to sell a significant number of books. Target that audience and never give up.
Esther Rabbit: There are a lot of experts behind the novel, editors, developmental editors, proofreaders, beta readers, etc. How did you find your perfect crew? I’m so grateful for the people who have helped me along the way I sometimes have trouble referring to Rough Way to the High Way as my book. The story about how I found them could fill another book. I’ll just mention a few. Brenda Blanchard, and the other writers at the Christian Writers Group of the Greater San Antonio Area https://brendablanchard.com/ Judy Watters and the other writers at the Hill Country Christian Writers Group http://franklinscribes.com/ The creator of the jump-off-the-shelf cover, Al Mendenhall. Contact almend2@gmail.com And my world-class editor, Ninfa Castaneda. My lovely wife, Miss Emily, has done an awesome job in helping to promote the book at the many book signings we’ve done. Esther Rabbit: How do you deal with negative feedback or negative reviews? In order to be a writer, you have to develop a pretty thick skin. It’s great to belong to a critique group to present your writing to in its early stages. Get a good group and you’ll have the encouragement you need as well as feedback from those who think they have a God-given gift of criticism. I’ve learned to listen to and appreciate all critiques of my writing and I’m thankful to receive it. The devil is a liar, but he’ll mix in enough truth to hit you where it hurts. So, I just listen and think, Yeah, there’s probably some truth in that. Esther Rabbit: What’s your definition of the first draft? I don’t think anyone could put it more eloquently then Ernest Hemingway, who famously said, “The first draft of anything is ****.” If Ernest Hemingway thought that about his first draft. then there is hope for the rest of us. My definition of a first draft is what you have when you think you have taken the stupid out of your writing only to discover you in fact have not when you present it to others. Esther Rabbit: How long do you self-edit your manuscript before sending it to a proofreader/ beta reader / editor? I keep editing until I’m convinced I might as well just admit I’m not a writer and give up in disgust before turning my work over to professionals. I remember the story about a writer who finished his manuscript and then pushed it away in disgust because he felt it was the best he could do, but he sent it off to his editor anyway. The writer was John Steinbeck and his book was The Grapes of Wrath.
Kelly Mack McCoy is a semi (pun intended) retired truck driver turned author. He spent most of his career behind the wheel of an eighteen-wheeler traveling extensively through forty-eight states gathering a lifetime of material for his books. Rough Way to the High Way is his first novel and the first in a series of novels about the adventures of trucker turned pastor turned trucker Mack McClain. Kelly Mack McCoy lives in Spring Branch, Texas with his lovely wife, Miss Emily and their two Yorkies, Dixie and Dolly.
Beckie by the Book
Book Review: Rough Way to The High Way 3 FEB Pastor turned long-haul trucker, Mack, struggles with grief and perceived failures as a minister while he is confronted with a mysterious hitchhiker, smugglers, and a determined killer. After an unbearable tragedy strikes his life, he sells everything he owns and buys a new Peterbilt truck, returning to the trade he learned decades earlier. Hoping for some windshield therapy and peace of mind behind the wheel of his new rig, Mack gets neither after God nudges him to pick up a hitchhiker near the Jordan State Prison outside Mack’s childhood home of Pampa, Texas. When his world is ripped apart, he seeks to run away from it all, going as far as to cut off communication with all but a handful of people. But he is pursued by God, who will not let him go. Unbeknownst to Mack, God is equipping His servant with tools to handle events his past education and experience could never have prepared him for. The story unfolds as the hitchhiker enters Mack’s Peterbilt. The man reminds Mack of his father, a hard living, hard drinking oilfield roughneck who died in prison. God begins to do a work in Mack’s heart while Mack seeks to minister to his new passenger. But Mack soon rues the day he let the hitchhiker into his truck. His old life in ruins now, Mack learns he has angered a new enemy who threatens to destroy his life on the road as well. Mack suspects he is being followed and is in the sights of a killer who plots a revenge no one could have seen coming. God works His mysterious way in Mack’s life steamroller-style all the way to an ending that will leave the reader thinking about it long after reading The End at the bottom of the last page. Rough Way to the High Way is the first of a series of novels about Mack’s adventures on the road as lives are transformed through his new ministry. The first life to be transformed as Rough Way to the High Way develops appears to be that of the hitchhiker. But God is working in Mack’s life all along, preparing him for a new ministry that will transform lives across the country. Kelly Mack McCoy is a semi (pun intended) retired truck driver turned author. He spent most of his career behind the wheel of an eighteen-wheeler traveling extensively through forty-eight states gathering a lifetime of material for his books. Rough Way to the High Way is his first novel and the first in a series of novels about the adventures of trucker turned pastor turned trucker Mack McClain. My Impressions: Rough Way to The High Way is the debut offering of Kelly Mack McCoy. This mystery centers on pastor-turned-trucker Mack McLain and the uncovering of a murder case that is much more than it seems. The book takes the reader on the road as Mack seeks some windshield therapy as he recovers from the death of his wife. Complications in a simple long haul trip crop up even before Mack can really get on the road. As Mack dodges bad guys, he learns of a conspiracy much deeper than he could imagine. This book will appeal to readers who like to cut to the chase — no detailed descriptions of setting and characters. There’s plenty of action, but also a good bit of conversation that pushes forward the narrative. Colloquialisms from the road and Texas abound which give it authenticity. I did find a few a bit repetitious though. There is some spiritual warfare depicted in the novel that increases the reader’s awareness of the struggle of good and evil underlying the story line, however, I found it a bit jarring and confusing. Perhaps in subsequent books in the series that can be handled a little more smoothly. I think Rough Way to The High Way will appeal to those who like just the facts mysteries — those stories that focus on the details of a case.
American Christian Fiction Writers (ACFW)
Interview with Kelly Mack McCoy By Tara Ross - August 19, 2019 Kelly Mack McCoy writes from a lifetime of personal experience. In his first novel, Rough Way to the High Way he introduces us to the world of Mack, a pastor turned long-haul trucker. This is the first of a series of novels about Mack’s adventures on the road as lives are transformed through his new ministry. The first life to be transformed, as Rough Way to the High Way develops, appears to be that of the hitchhiker. But God is working in Mack’s life all along, preparing him for a new ministry that will transform lives across the country. Welcome Mack! The burning question I had when I read your summary was what parts of your novel actually happened in real life? (without any spoilers, of course) I built more of my personality and story into Rough Way to the High Way than I realized during the writing process. You may have noticed the similarity in names for example, to state the obvious. But Mack just seemed to fit the character I was developing. And then there’s the other name he was known by…well…I can’t mention that one yet, can I? Like me, the protagonist comes from a rough background. His father was an abusive drunk who died in the Huntsville state prison. I can tell you that because it’s part of the backstory that’s known from the beginning when Mack picks up a hitchhiker who reminds him of his father. Who is this hitchhiker? Oops…sorry, I can’t tell you that one either. My own father stayed drunk for about twenty-five years straight and my mother was in and out of insane asylums, as they were then called, when I was a child. So, as you can imagine, I have a lot of stories to tell. And some of those stories are woven into the plot. I haven’t even brought up some of the events that happened out there on the road, which I think is what you had in mind when you asked the question. Many of the trials Mack faces during his journey did indeed happen to me. Which ones? You know it’s much more interesting to speculate, so I’ll let readers have fun with that question. It has been a dream of mine to live in a Peterbilt rig for a summer. What are the best and worst parts of living on the road? Awesome! You need to do that. It’s much easier than you think. If the general public knew what goes on in the trucking industry, they would never venture out on the highway when big rigs were on the road. There are always companies out there that are looking for warm bodies to put into the driver’s seat of a tractor-trailer rig. Of course, they are not all like that. I did make a career out of trucking for most of my adult life. But enough are like that to make it really scary out there. Many of us who have spent years behind the wheel of a truck develop a love/hate relationship with trucking. If I’m not out on the road I yearn to get back out there in a truck and experience the freedom of the open road and get a little windshield therapy. But once I get on the road, I’m ready to stop and do something else for a while. There is a huge turnover in the industry for a variety of reasons, the main ones being poor pay and working conditions. So many would-be truckers are slapped hard by this reality soon after graduating trucking school. It often doesn’t take long for them to rethink their career choice. So, it’s not hard to understand why there has been a shortage of truck drivers since I started driving one in 1974 and why it would be so easy for you to realize your dream. There are a number of companies that would train you and love to have you do just that – live in the rig for a summer, and hopefully longer. The best part of living on the road is seeing all the awesome scenery as you drive across this beautiful country of ours. In a single summer you could drive from sea to shining sea through many, if not all, forty-eight states and parts of Canada. If you are the type of person who can leave your home troubles at home, there is nothing like the open road to clear your mind. And you can spend your time catching up on all the books you’ve been wanting to read. There I go again! I’m ready to get back in one of those things and hit the road once more. The worst part of being on the road is you’re often tired and dirty while you’re touring the country and you rarely are able to stop and enjoy any of the places you visit. Did I mention the horrendous traffic, crumbling roads, construction everywhere, no place to park your truck when you’re required to do so by law and the electronic logging devices that keep you stressed out about it? The big fines for minor slip-ups and bigger fines and possible jail time for a lapse in judgement when you’re exhausted already? Oh! And the health risks? – The average trucker my age has been dead for a few years now. It’s a killer occupation – literally. What is the funniest memory you have from driving across the country? Did it make it into any of your books? Should I live long enough, all my young and stupid stories will make it into the books I write. Those young and stupid stories in my trucking career started before I ever got out of truck driving school. Just to give you a little background, things were quite different in those days. Back then you got your commercial driver’s license first and then you learned to drive a truck. But the latter was not a requirement before driving a tractor-trailer out on the highway. I took my commercial driver’s test in a one-ton truck. A friend of mine took his test in a station wagon. All that was required is that the vehicle used in the test was used for commercial purposes. But the first funny incident out there on the road that comes to mind was after I had all of two days of driving experience under my belt at twenty-one years of age. I drove as a team driver with an owner-operator. It’s still hard for me to believe he did this, but with only those two days of driving experience I had, he cut me loose on my own to deliver our load in San Francisco because he had relatives in the Bay area he wanted to visit. First, I got hopelessly lost when I couldn’t find the delivery location that was tucked away in a hidden alleyway. I drove up and down hills, dodging cars, streetcars, and pedestrians until what seemed like hours later, I found where I was supposed to unload. The dock was in a courtyard at the end of that alleyway. I had to jackknife my rig in order to position it for unloading. The dockhands had a good laugh watching me try to get my rig jackknifed into the dock, but eventually tired of the show, rolled down the door, and went to lunch while I continued working on it. After quite some time, I did succeed and they were able to unload my trailer. By this time rush hour traffic had begun as I left to make my way to the Golden Gate Bridge. I used up so much extra fuel in my adventures in San Francisco I ran out of fuel in the middle of the bridge. Similar to Mack, you made a career change. What propelled you to (semi) retire from driving your eighteen-wheeler and take on the role of author? I had a little time when the trucking company I worked for went bankrupt, so I decided the time was right to take my writing seriously. I found an awesome writers group where I met some good writers who helped draw out the writer in me. One of the members there, John Floyd Mills, was a former writer with the now-defunct San Antonio Light newspaper. John had nearly finished one novel and also started his own publishing company, Franklin Scribes Publishing. He wanted to help writers see their labors of love on through to publishing since he knew all the ins and outs of the industry and how the process worked from beginning to end. John liked my writing style and he approached me with the idea of the two of us partnering together to write a series of novels about a trucker and his adventures out on the road. I had such a thing in mind as well for some time, but never followed through with it, so I agreed. It turned out our writing styles were just too different for us to write together, so he moved on and published his own novels, Buried and Secrets. I ran with the other project on my own. Did I say ran? Stumbled and fell would be more accurate. After I started on the novel, my crazy life got in the way once more, and my book was buried like the protagonist in John’s novel, Buried. And just like his protagonist, there was no way my novel would ever see the light of day without some dramatic event to cause it to see the light again. That dramatic event was John’s death. After he died, I decided it was do or die for me as a writer. Sadly, for most writers, it’s die, not do. The scrap of manuscript that would become Rough Way to the High Way seemed to call out to me from that dusty drawer each day thereafter. It could no more be ignored than John’s protagonist buried underground. In your travels, what did you do, listen to, or read to pass the time? I drove out there for a very long time and I have such a love/hate relationship with truck driving I’ll probably do it again – until I tire of it once more. But one of the great things on the love side is you often have plenty of time to read, or listen to, some great books. In fact, it can be the perfect occupation for someone who loves books more than people, which I suspect would include many writers. Truck drivers are the most diverse bunch of guys (and gals – about five percent of truckers are women) of any occupation. I taught at a truck driving school for some time when I was reinventing myself and seeking something that would allow me more time to write and learn from other writers as well. Some students were high school dropouts. Some were probably grade school dropouts who, in a few cases, just got out of prison. But, for a student to have a bachelor’s degree was very common. A few had master’s degrees. One gentleman even had not one, but two PhDs. So, if you want to get your PhD in truck driving go for it. Hard to find a job that pays you to drive around and listen to books all day. I’ve always loved to read, but in my early days as a trucker, it was a little more difficult. At the end of your day, you’re often too exhausted to read or comprehend much of anything. And it was hard to focus on a book if you held it on the steering wheel with all the bouncing around and such. But then came cassette players, and then CDs, and now downloads, so it’s been easy to listen to lots of books out there for quite some time. I listened to the Bible and many books of a more spiritual nature. At one time, I got into reading the classics. For some time, it was self-help – I decided I needed a lot of it. And I’ve always been somewhat of an information junkie so anything I was the least bit curious about I would get some books on the subject and learn about it. So, I listened to many of The Great Courses from The Teaching Company. I absolutely loved to get lost in a novel too. I drove a car-hauling rig for many years. Sometimes I would get so engrossed in a book that when I arrived at a dealership, I would have to listen to at least the end of a chapter before getting out to unload. I often got odd looks from some of the salesmen – especially when I had hot-selling cars on my truck they’d been waiting for. How did this inspire you to start writing? Writing is something I’ve had in my heart since childhood. I’ve always loved to browse through bookstores, even as a kid. I would thumb through some of the books on the shelves and read parts of them at random. Sometimes I would be so awed by the prose I would think I could never be a writer. Then I would pick up another book and think, Man, this is really bad writing. Yet he somehow managed to have his book published and get it into a bookstore. If he could do it with writing that bad, I knew there was hope for me after all. But kids from my neighborhood didn’t grow up and go to college or become writers or anything of that nature. I had it in my heart, but believed it was unattainable, so therefore it was to me at the time. My main goal as a child was to survive to adulthood. That was enough of a challenge for me at the time. I thought I would be able to do something about my circumstances after I grew up, which I did, sort of. I hit the road in a big rig and drove away from it all – or so I thought. Although I had often dabbled in writing here and there, until I was motivated to finish my book for the reasons stated above, I didn’t have the confidence in myself as a writer to follow through with it. In spite of the fact that people would often tell me what a good writer I was, I didn’t even call myself one until my book was published. It may seem that I started late in life, but I really didn’t. I’ve just spent my life on and off the road gathering material. Most books and dreams remain in that dusty drawer I spoke of earlier so to speak, never to be seen by others. But they are not forgotten, just hidden away. When the dream-bearer dies, only then is the dream forgotten, never to be seen by the rest of us whose lives may well have had been enriched by what he or she had to offer. How do your faith and spiritual life play into the picture and affect your storytelling? Everything we do as a Christian is either a reflection or revelation of what is going on inside of us spiritually. And it affects our whole worldview. That pesky thing called the flesh will be our downfall if we’re not careful. I have struggled and failed miserably during my walk with the Lord. And I have been to such lofty heights I felt I was in heaven. As in the the other areas of my life, I’ve had experiences which help me to understand what others are going through and have compassion for them regardless of where they come from or where they are emotionally or spiritually in that snapshot of time. When I tell a story, I have an understanding of what each character may be going through and how that would affect their behavior. As you can see, I immerse myself in the story on those occasions when I’m in the ‘zone’. Especially in the case of Rough Way to the High Way where the protagonist has my personality for the most part and many of my experiences are shared through him. My main goal in writing this novel is for believers to be inspired to have a closer walk with the Lord when they finish reading it, and for unbelievers to see God and His people in a new light. All while being entertained by the story. What made you decide to write fiction rather than a memoir of all your amazing adventures on the road? I have a lot of books I hope to publish should the Lord leave me on this earth long enough. More novels are planned as well as nonfiction books. I realized some time ago I’m writing my memoir as I go along in my journey as an author, which is pretty cool. I won’t have to rack my brain as much trying to remember long-forgotten events in my life when I decide to write that memoir. I use many true stories in Rough Way to the High Way for example. Yes, some are embellished a little, some more so, but in any case, they are at the forefront of my memory now. Same with the interviews I’m doing. I’m asked many questions about by past adventures and my childhood which I have answered and now have stored away. I’m so glad my cover designer put ‘A Novel’ at the top of the cover because I’m often asked things like, ‘Is this your autobiography?’ or ‘Oh, you were a pastor?’. If you could have coffee with an author, dead or alive, whose work you admire, who would that be? What would you ask him or her? That’s such a great question. It makes me realize there are so many authors I admire it’s almost impossible to narrow it down to one. At the risk of sounding like much more of a spiritual man than I am, it has to be the apostle Paul. He comes to mind as a man who reached the highest heights and lowest depths of any man I can think of other than Jesus Himself. I admire Paul more than any author who has ever lived. I say Paul rather than the apostle Paul or Saint Paul because it helps me to picture him as simply a man, and in relation to your question, an author. To be shipwrecked, nearly beaten to death more than once and imprisoned unjustly didn’t stop him from writing the letters we read almost two millennia later. The letters were of course inspired by the Holy Spirit, but He chose Paul as the vessel to pour His Word into, and through that broken vessel His Word poured out to us. I would love to take a pot of the freshly ground and brewed specialty coffee I’m so fond of, sit down with Paul in his jail cell and ask him how he did it. What advice do you have for someone else who has decided to take up writing as a second career or retirement venture? Unless you’re a crazy masochist, don’t do it. I don’t understand people who say they love to write. I’m like so many other writers who have said they don’t want to write a book but to have written one. But here I am doing it again. Don’t get me wrong. I just feel the same way about writing as I did about driving a truck. I’ve had a love/hate relationship with trucking for many years. I loved the freedom of the open road. I loved the windshield therapy when I drove my truck down the highway. Just thinking about it makes me want to get back out there. I start trying to figure out how I can balance driving a big rig with my career as a writer. But I know when I got back out there, in about two weeks I would be kicking myself and thinking, What in the world were you thinking, Kelly Mack McCoy? And I would be trying to figure out how to fix the mess I’d gotten myself into…again! I have a similar love/hate relationship with writing. And I’ve discovered I have a lot of company out there. I’m sure there are many writers who write for publication who love what they do. But since so many of us struggle to find time to write only to sabotage ourselves when we have that time, tells me I’m not the only who is driven crazy by writing. What message do you hope readers take away from this book? That God often works in and through our lives in unexpected ways and He is always at work in ways we can’t even fathom. So many people and circumstances are intertwined when events unfold in our lives, how can we expect to understand what God is doing in our lives or the lives of those around us? Sometimes, He allows us to take a little peek inside His realm as He is at work but more often, we don’t get to see or understand what He is doing in any given situation. Isn’t that what faith is about? Not knowing, but trusting? In the novel, Mack’s whole life changes dramatically and all his plans begin to unravel. When this happens to us, we want to hold things together ourselves. But you get a hint that God had different plans for Mack when you read the quote at the top of the back cover – ‘…When your plans unravel it may be God who is pulling the strings…’. What new adventure awaits Mack in this series? Rough Way to the High Way is a stand-alone novel. But suffice to say, the intrigue continues. When readers read The End on the last page of this book so many of them have asked me if this or that character is going to be back. The only one everybody is sure about is Mack, obviously, but some have fallen in love with other characters as well and want to see them come back for the sequel. I can’t say which ones without giving too much away now. But I can say many of the main characters will return. But at least one important one will not. How’s that for a teaser? It’s quite an experience for me to see so many people who are concerned about some of the characters. As I said earlier, I become so immersed in the story that for a time it becomes my reality. It’s the same for all of us when we read or listen to a good book. I don’t think there is any kind of objective standard as to whether a novel is well written. But if readers are able to suspend disbelief early on in a novel that’s a good indication you’ve been successful as a storyteller.
Portrait of Kelly Mack McCoy is a semi (pun intended) retired truck driver turned author. He spent most of his career behind the wheel of an eighteen-wheeler traveling extensively through forty-eight states gathering a lifetime of material for his books. Rough Way to the High Way is his first novel and the first in a series of novels about the adventures of trucker turned pastor turned trucker, Mack McClain. Visit Kelly Mack McCoy online Portrait of Rough Way to the Highway Pastor turned long-haul trucker, Mack, struggles with grief and perceived failures as a minister while he is confronted with a mysterious hitchhiker, smugglers, and a determined killer. After an unbearable tragedy strikes his life, he sells everything he owns and buys a new Peterbilt truck, returning to the trade he learned decades earlier. Hoping for some windshield therapy and peace of mind behind the wheel of his new rig, Mack gets neither after God nudges him to pick up a hitchhiker near the Jordan State Prison outside Mack’s childhood home of Pampa, Texas. The story unfolds as the hitchhiker enters Mack’s Peterbilt. The man reminds Mack of his father, a hard living, hard drinking oilfield roughneck who died in prison. God begins to do a work in Mack’s heart while Mack seeks to minister to his new passenger. But Mack soon rues the day he let the hitchhiker into his truck. His old life in ruins now, Mack learns he has angered a new enemy who threatens to destroy his life on the road as well. Mack suspects he is being followed and is in the sights of a killer who plots a revenge no one could have seen coming. ISBN: 031010372X Publisher: Elm Hill
Tell us about yourself and how many books you have written. I am a semi (pun intended) retired truck driver turned author. I spent most of my career behind the wheel of an eighteen-wheeler traveling extensively through forty-eight states gathering a lifetime of material for my books. Rough Way to the High Way is the first of a series of novels, although Rough Way to the High Way is a stand alone book. I live in the beautiful Hill Country of Texas in the town of Spring Branch with my lovely wife, Miss Emily and our two Yorkies, Dixie and Dolly. What is the name of your latest book and what inspired it? Rough Way to the High Way is my first novel and the first in a forthcoming series of novels about the adventures of trucker turned pastor turned trucker Mack McClain. I had a little time when the trucking company I worked for went bankrupt, so I decided the time was right to take my writing seriously. I found an awesome writers group where I met some good writers who helped to draw out the writer in me. One of those, John Floyd Mills, was a former writer with now defunct San Antonio Light newspaper. John had recently published a novel, Buried. He also had started his own publishing company, Franklin Scribes Publishing, to help writers to see their labors of love on through to publishing since he knew all the ins and outs of the industry and knew how the process worked from beginning to end. John liked my writing style and he approached me with the idea of the two of us partnering together to write a series of novels about a trucker and his adventures out on the road. I had such a thing in mind as well for some time, but never followed through with it, so I agreed. It turned out our writing styles were just too different for us to write together, so he moved on and wrote a sequel to his novel, and I ran with the other project on my own. Did I say ran? Stumbled and fell would be more accurate. After I started on the novel, my crazy life got in the way once more, and my book was buried like the protagonist in John’s novel. And just like his protagonist, there was no way my novel would ever see the light of day without some dramatic event to cause it to see the light again. That dramatic event was John’s death. After he died, I decided it was do or die for me as a writer as well. Sadly, for most writers it’s die, not do. The scrap of manuscript that would become Rough Way to the High Way seemed to call out to me from that dusty drawer each day thereafter. It could no more be ignored than John’s protagonist buried underground. Do you have any unusual writing habits? I’m a firm believer in having balance in all areas of life, including my writing life. The problem I have is I’ve never been able to pull it off. So my life as a writer is much like the rest of my life – pretty chaotic. So I steal precious moments from chaos and find creative moments to have productive writing time. What authors, or books have influenced you? Not to sound overly spiritual, but the Bible is hands down number one. What an incredible story is told within the pages of the books contained therein. I’ve been a miserable failure as a Christian but I’m still learning. The Bible is the only book I know of that you can read and never tire of learning new things from it. C.S. Lewis is the Christian author who probably had the most influence on me. And I love the styles of John Steinbeck and Ernest Hemingway, though Hemingway with his rather sad obsession with death could lead you to be a little depressed. What are you working on now? The sequel to Rough Way to the High Way has first priority. Readers are asking for it already. And I have, as usual, a number of other writing irons in the fire. What is your best method or website when it comes to promoting your books? I’m learning as I go on that one. I’m doing a lot of promotion on Facebook, some paid but mostly free. A lot of people are being so kind as to share my posts. Some share them regularly to their sites. I’ve even had some rather large sites pick up and share my posts, which is awesome and very much appreciated. Also I’m starting to do some interviews, written, audio, and video on radio stations and podcasts. And lots of book signings and the promotions that go along with them. Do you have any advice for new authors? I would advise writers to do what I was advised to do: Sit Down And Write. Sounds easy. But strangely enough it’s not or we wouldn’t be so creative in avoiding doing it. I’m a pretty creative person. That’s helpful at times, in fact it would be impossible to write a decent novel without being creative. But, boy can I be creative in coming up with ways to avoid the S.D.A.W rule. What is the best advice you have ever heard? I’ve was advised and then learned the hard way anyway that you just have to sit down and write. And you have to tell that inner critic to shut up when you do. What are you reading now? Flow: The Psychology of Optimal Experience by Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi. What’s next for you as a writer? As long as God gives me breath on this earth I will continue to write books that I hope will touch many lives and inspire others. As I said before I have lots of irons in the fire, fiction and nonfiction, so a lot of things can happen to help determine which iron is pulled out first. If you were going to be stranded on a desert island and allowed to take 3 or 4 books with you what books would you bring? The Bible. Just the Bible. Because I probably wouldn’t make it off of the island alive. There wouldn’t be anyone left to be influenced by me or anything I would do or write. So I would study the only book that mattered at that point.
Author: Kelly Mack McCoy Genre: Mystery/Suspense Pastor turned long-haul trucker, Mack, struggles with grief and perceived failures as a minister while he is confronted with a mysterious hitchhiker, smugglers, and a determined killer. A journey that began as a search for solitude and windshield therapy after his wife Georgia's murder becomes a high stakes adventure as a Texas Ranger and high ranking FBI agent seek to track down her killer.
Reviewer: Kandace Perry Rough Way to the High Way by Kelly Mack McCoy is both interesting and engaging. McCoy draws you in to the world of a long-haul truck driver and the obstacles he faces along the way. It was particularly appealing to me personally since my husband is a long haul truck driver, though I am quite thankful that he has not had the same experiences as Mack! Rough Way to the High Way reminds us that life is full of obstacles, challenges, twists and turns, however, when we are faithful God is always with us and we will never travel the winding road alone.
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All Mack wants to do is deliver a truckload of swinging meat to Chicago and forget about his troubles. After the tragic death of his wife, he hands over his ministry to a junior preacher and returns to his first job as a truck driver. But things take a dangerous turn his first time back on the road. Someone is hell-bent on ensuring Mack doesn’t make it to Chicago in one piece. His adventure is further complicated when he picks up a mysterious hitchhiker. To make matters worse, he appears to be caught in the middle of some agribusiness hanky-panky involving top government officials and an imprisoned crime boss. Rough Way to the High Way is Kelly Mack McCoy’s first novel, and I could hardly tell. McCoy writes with poise and fluency that pulls you in and keeps you captivated. This Christian fiction novel takes you on a journey along the highways while looking through the lens of a preacher-turned-trucker. McCoy’s delightful mix of colorful, humorous conversations, light-hearted banter and a twist laden plot did an excellent job of keeping me engaged. Not to mention that there was this mysterious hitchhiker that kept me guessing about his actual identity all through the story. McCoy also provides a rich reading experience with his choice of words and how he strings them together. The man genuinely has a way with words. This is visible in how he describes metaphysical scenarios using figures of speech and analogies that bring those elements to life and turn them into vivid images. I also loved how he offered faith-based insights, enlightening stories (I was very touched by Horatio Spafford’s story) and philosophical toppings. The author zooms in on several issues, with one being the pain of losing a loved one. He shows that after such tragedy, our strongest anchors, including our faith, can be jolted by the tremors of grief and despair. McCoy also reminds us of the possibility of learning life lessons from the unlikeliest of sources.
Rough Way to the High Way by Kelly Mack McCoy is an inspirational novel that explores the workings of God’s grace in the ordinary and troubled life of a former pastor as he deals with an unbearable loss. After the murder of his wife, Georgia, Mack’s life as a pastor is upended, so he sells everything and buys a new Peterbilt truck. He leaves behind everything, even disconnecting from most people he has known in life, and sets out on the road trucking — a profession he enjoyed decades ago. Along the highway, as he leaves his town of Pampa behind and compelled by an inner voice, he picks a hitchhiker just where a sign says: Do Not Pickup Hitchhikers. Along the way, he encounters different characters, both good and bad, runs into trouble with police officers, deals with smugglers and a killer. While he has left behind his vocation and hometown, God has not left him as He provides tools for a new mission and opens Mack’s eyes to new ways of serving Him. I loved this novel and the author’s unique gift for writing characters that are interesting and real. From the waitress Barb to the cops, Pipe Cleaner, and Round Face, to Agent Red Face, Mr. Tobacco, Rocky, Blondie, and Dr. Hashim, the author creates characters with a strong role in the story. They are humanly relatable and fleshed out. The quirkiness in the naming of characters is an element of the story that I liked. The story is filled with twists and turns, and the author develops plot points that are unexpected. Barb is one of my favorite characters; she is self-effacing, yet interesting in the way she opens Mack’s eyes to the real world. Rough Way to the High Way is cleverly plotted and written in exceptionally good prose. The story is filled with insightful moments and drama while offering strong spiritual lessons.
Rough Way to the High Way by Kelly Mack McCoy 'An Extraordinary Novel' – Midwest Book Review – Pastor turned long-haul trucker, Mack, struggles with grief and perceived failures as a minister while he is confronted with a mysterious hitchhiker, smugglers, and a determined killer. A journey that began as a search for solitude and windshield therapy after his wife Georgia's murder becomes a high stakes adventure as a Texas Ranger and high ranking FBI agent seek to track down her killer. A pair of hapless criminals botch an attempted break in of Mack's trailer which leads to the discovery of a sinister plot involving Georgia's killer. Mack's journey from his hometown of Pampa, Texas to Chicago introduces a cast of characters who seek to use him to deliver a load far more destructive than anyone could have imagined.
First Thoughts I was pleasantly surprised, once I scrolled onto the first page of Kelly Mack McCoy’s debut novel, to find it well-written, edited, and formatted. (Once I researched Elm Hill, I was again surprised to learn about HarperCollins’ independent-publishing imprint!) Don’t be fooled—this is not your average indie book, debut novel, or mystery. I wasn’t quite sure in the beginning where the mystery, danger, or excitement was coming in. Like other readers, I felt a lag—but the story began to pick up as I met new characters, learned more about Mack (our preacher-trucker-detective protagonist), and sensed the encroaching danger. The Plot The overall plot of Rough Way to the High Way is a little...undefinable. There’s no perceivable beginning, middle, or end—it’s one event after the other along the road to Chicago. This is both an escapist thriller and the spiritual journey of our hero Mack, as he struggles with grief over his wife’s death (which he believes was actually murder) and his lack of purpose now that he’s quit the ministry. For readers who like a strong, well thought-out, defined book with a step-by-step plot, this book isn’t for you. It’s a little too close to our protagonist, a little too unexpected, and a little too much fun! In some ways, I think having a stronger plot (with all the proper incidents and climaxes) might have been preferred. It would have given the story a backbone and made things flow better than being figuratively smacked in in the face by new happenings. In other ways, however, I can how see the escapism (which I mean in a nice way, y’all) and the wild road we travel with Mack makes the story better and more intriguing. The Characters We don’t really get to know anyone as well as Mack. The secondary characters—Barb, Ricky, Ben, etc.—stay a respectable arm’s length away from our protagonist. That allows us to grow with Mack and feel for him, even if the story’s written in a limited third-person perspective. As for Mack, he’s got the tough, kind of sarcastic demeanor we associate with truckers, but his faith in God gives him a relatable, approachable air. We don’t ever get fully into his perspective (which I missed...first-person POV might have made the story even richer), but we get to know him like we would the fun uncle who always gives us candy and plays catch with the boys. His story, faith, and journey are so relatable! I honestly feel like the author pulled from not only his own experiences with trucking but also from life lessons and his relationship with God. Mack had his faults (such as being a little gullible), but he had a lot going for him, which made him a lovable protagonist. The Subject Well, suffice it to say I learned a lot about trucking! That aspect of the novel was executed perfectly, of course. Everything felt so real (maybe a little 1980s-’90s, but those decades just fit the aura much better, if you know what I mean!), but I will admit that the other stuff was a bit lacking. I feel like McCoy was trying to do a wee bit too much. I mean, terrorists tied to his wife’s murder? Government cover-ups? I don’t know. The big-city crimes didn’t jive with the small town trucking aura. Of course, once you tie in the supernatural elements, you’re left with either the whole spice cabinet in your gumbo or a really flavorful soup—it all depends on your perspective. For some, I think the combination would work. For me, I would have liked either or—a slow mystery on the dusty highway out of Texas or a thrilling battle between the government and terrorists. Either way, he tied everything together, left no loose ends, and created a convincing mystery—one that was full of twists and turns! Even though Mack’s Heaven and Hell encounters kind of came out of nowhere, I think they were well-executed and played into Mack’s journey well. (And, of course, I love a well-executed encounter scene!) The Prose McCoy has a strong, straightforward prose. It’s even and stable, balanced between description and, well, non-description. I missed getting closer to Mack, missed the emotion, and missed hearing his voice. However, the author had a clean voice and polished prose. And, just throwing this in for extra, I really liked his naming of the other characters—like Mr. Tire Man and Officer Pipe Cleaner. I’ve done the same before, so it’s great to see another author do so! And the cemetery/seminary confusion only serves to make Mack seem more real, and both things give him and the story more flavor! Long Story Short… I honestly was surprised by how good Rough Way to the High Way was. It had its low points, yes, but McCoy gave us a strong escapist story that thrills, excites, and inspires. Mack is a fun, relatable character, and his journey is one that speaks to us all (even if we weren’t involved in murders and schemes to take over the world)!
The story began as Mack drove along the highway in his truck as he left his hometown of Pampa behind. Eccentric and God fearing as he has always been, a voice told him to pick up a hitchhiker who incidentally was sitting just under a sign with the inscription “DO NOT PICKUP HITCHHIKERS!” He obeyed the silent voice and it turned out the mysterious hitchhiker was an ex convict who was just released from prison as he was made to believe. It was not until Mack made a brief stopover at a joint that a street-smart waitress informed him he could be in trouble. Not long after, Mack could see the red flag flying high as two cops stood outside waiting for him. One unique thing about the book is the funny names of its characters. With names such as Officers Pipe Cleaner and Round Face, Mr. Bull Hauler and Blondie, Rocky, Mr. Tobacco, Mr. Tire, Agent Red Face etc as well as the way the author pierces words together in some instances are enough to send the reader rolling on the floor with laughter. Mack only thought he was doing the work of a Good Samaritan but never knew he was getting himself into a hell of a trouble with the cops. His extreme spiritual belief sometimes made him odd in the eyes of others. Barb on her part may be a little old for her job as a waitress but she was as smart as she was humorous, probably more lively and full of life than the average high school teenager. She developed more than a passing interest in Mack and couldn’t hide her feelings, not that she bothered anyway. Dr. Hashim lived a respectable lifestyle as a medical practitioner but no one knew he was planning a terror attack that will make 9/11 appear like a child’s play, and the nuclear device was expected to destroy about half of Chicago. Barb got to know about the planned attack and gave Mack a heads up but he didn’t take her serious until it was almost too late. Rough Way to the Highway has enough thrills to keep any reader going from page to page until the last word.
Hoping for some windshield therapy and peace of mind behind the wheel of his new rig, Mack gets neither after God nudges him to pick up a hitchhiker near the Jordan State Prison outside Mack's childhood home of Pampa, Texas. When his world is ripped apart, he seeks to run away from it all, going as far as to cut off communication with all but a handful of people. But he is pursued by God, who will not let him go. Unbeknownst to Mack, God is equipping His servant with tools to handle events his past education and experience could never have prepared him for. The story unfolds as the hitchhiker enters Mack's Peterbilt. The man reminds Mack of his father, a hard living, hard drinking oilfield roughneck who died in prison. God begins to do a work in Mack's heart while Mack seeks to minister to his new passenger. But Mack soon rues the day he let the hitchhiker into his truck. His old life in ruins now, Mack learns he has angered a new enemy who threatens to destroy his life on the road as well. Mack suspects he is being followed and is in the sights of a killer who plots a revenge no one could have seen coming. God works His mysterious way in Mack's life steamroller-style all the way to an ending that will leave the reader thinking about it long after reading The End at the bottom of the last page. Rough Way to the High Way is the first of a series of novels about Mack's adventures on the road as lives are transformed through his new ministry. The first life to be transformed as Rough Way to the High Way develops appears to be that of the hitchhiker. But God is working in Mack's life all along, preparing him for a new ministry that will transform lives across the country.
Pastor turned long-haul trucker, Mack, struggles with grief and perceived failures as a minister while he is confronted with a mysterious hitchhiker, smugglers, and a determined killer. After an unbearable tragedy strikes his life, he sells everything he owns and buys a new Peterbilt truck, returning to the trade he learned decades earlier. Hoping for some windshield therapy and peace of mind behind the wheel of his new rig, Mack gets neither after God nudges him to pick up a hitchhiker near the Jordan State Prison outside Mack's childhood home of Pampa, Texas. When his world is ripped apart, he seeks to run away from it all, going as far as to cut off communication with all but a handful of people. But he is pursued by God, who will not let him go. Unbeknownst to Mack, God is equipping His servant with tools to handle events his past education and experience could never have prepared him for. The story unfolds as the hitchhiker enters Mack's Peterbilt. The man reminds Mack of his father, a hard living, hard drinking oilfield roughneck who died in prison. God begins to do a work in Mack's heart while Mack seeks to minister to his new passenger. But Mack soon rues the day he let the hitchhiker into his truck. His old life in ruins now, Mack learns he has angered a new enemy who threatens to destroy his life on the road as well. Mack suspects he is being followed and is in the sights of a killer who plots a revenge no one could have seen coming. God works His mysterious way in Mack's life steamroller-style all the way to an ending that will leave the reader thinking about it long after reading The End at the bottom of the last page. Rough Way to the High Way is the first of a series of novels about Mack's adventures on the road as lives are transformed through his new ministry. The first life to be transformed as Rough Way to the High Way develops appears to be that of the hitchhiker. But God is working in Mack's life all along, preparing him for a new ministry that will transform lives across the country.
Although the nature of this book is not a topic I would have chosen on my own, I enjoyed the fast pace and the suspense, as well as the strong characters. Characters: More stories need characters like Mack! He is adventurous and spunky, yet wise and mature. He adds just the right amount of spice to the story. Barb--the spunky, friendly waitress who tries to mentor Mack. The Hitchhiker. I do not want to say much to give anything away, so I'll just describe him as a shady character. Cons: I felt that the story was weak in the area of names. I mean Mr. Target, Officer Pipe Cleaner, Mr. Bull Header...to me these names told me the author lacked inspiration when coming up with them. I definitely am not an author, but I can come up with more intriguing names right now on the spot. I would have enjoyed the story more if the names were more creative. This might sound a trifle picky on my part, but to a reader, the names are the first thing they are introduced to in the book. The names introduce them to the characters they will be spending the next few hours, days, weeks, etc. with. And they give the reader a glimpse at the author's writing style before diving deep into the story. Therefore, I have to say that I was disappointed in this area. Pros: The story was especially strong in the area of descriptions and language. All the scenes were written so well as to give the reader a feel of living in Mack's shoes. As this was a trucker-themed book, the language is certainly very important in really giving the story the correct feel. Let me just say, the author aced this! He wrote the language so well, that if I were to read it as a read-aloud book, I would not need to make up my own accent because the author already wrote it down for me. I especially enjoyed/appreciated the authors' sense of adventure in his characters. Mack sure didn't lack an adventurous spirit and he was willing to go off the beaten path to add some spice to his life. He also never passed up an opportunity to better someone else--even if it meant risking his own safety and comfort. I really appreciated that in a character.
Rough Way to the High Way Auteur: Kelly Mack Mccoy ISBN: 9780310103721 ISBN10: 031010372X Uitgever: Elm Hill Taal: Engels Bindwijze: Paperback Publicatiedatum: 2019-03-05 Geillustreerd: Nee Waar te koop Extra info Reviews Verslagen Waar te koop: Bol.com Rough Way to the High Way Kelly Mack Mccoy 28 days (€ 0,00) € 20,99 Amazon Rough Way to the High Way As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases. Pastor turned long-haul trucker, Mack, struggles with grief and perceived failures as a minister while he is confronted with a mysterious hitchhiker, smugglers, and a determined killer. After an unbearable tragedy strikes his life, he sells everything he owns and buys a new Peterbilt truck, returning to the trade he learned decades earlier. Hoping for some windshield therapy and peace of mind behind the wheel of his new rig, Mack gets neither after God nudges him to pick up a hitchhiker near the Jordan State Prison outside Macks childhood home of Pampa, Texas. When his world is ripped apart, he seeks to run away from it all, going as far as to cut off communication with all but a handful of people. But he is pursued by God, who will not let him go. Unbeknownst to Mack, God is equipping His servant with tools to handle events his past education and experience could never have prepared him for. The story unfolds as the hitchhiker enters Macks Peterbilt. The man reminds Mack of his father, a hard living, hard drinking oilfield roughneck who died in prison. God begins to do a work in Macks heart while Mack seeks to minister to his new passenger. But Mack soon rues the day he let the hitchhiker into his truck. His old life in ruins now, Mack learns he has angered a new enemy who threatens to destroy his life on the road as well. Mack suspects he is being followed and is in the sights of a killer who plots a revenge no one could have seen coming. God works His mysterious way in Macks life steamroller-style all the way to an ending that will leave the reader thinking about it long after reading The End at the bottom of the last page. Rough Way to the High Way is the first of a series of novels about Macks adventures on the road as lives are transformed through his new ministry. The first life to be transformed as Rough Way to the High Way develops appears to be that of the hitchhiker. But God is working in Macks life all along, preparing him for a new ministry that will transform lives across the country. Gerelateerde boeken Rough Way to the High Way 9780310103745 | 0310103746 | Kelly Mack Mccoy Minimaal 1 aanbieding Rough Way to the High Way 9780310103738 | 0310103738 | Kelly Mack Mccoy
The author is writing the story with the insight of a life spent on the road.
Reviewed in the United States on June 22, 2022
“Rough way to the Highway” by Kelly Mack McCoy was a departure for me as a reader, the subject matter revolving around a ‘truckie’ on a road trip, with all the jargon and colloquialisms attached to that lifestyle, giving it an authentic feel. In the story, Pastor Robert McCain ‘Mack’ hands over the leadership of his church to a younger man when his wife, Georgia, diagnosed with cancer, suicides... or does she? Needing ‘time-out’ he sells up everything, and buys a new Peterbilt 389, assuming long hours hauling trailers will give him the peace and quiet he needs to regroup. However, that tranquillity does not eventuate, and even before he’s delivered his first load, he picks up a hitchhiker with a criminal background, triggering a series of events resulting in two attempts on his life. The story unfolds slowly, key characters and personalities setting the stage for the ongoing dramas that follow, the book winding up with a head-on collision between the forces of light and darkness, good and evil. ‘Mack’ still has a pastor’s heart and statements like: ‘All I know is I heard from God but didn’t trust Him’ and ‘I learned a long time ago to just preach Jesus and leave the results to Him’ are woven into the story, confirming the author’s Christian foundations. There was intrigue and suspense, the story quirky as well as entertaining, but one of the factors I most enjoyed was the use of humour throughout the novel. McCoy has a unique way of getting his message across and I found myself chuckling more than once at phrases like: ‘handy as a rope at a hanging’ ‘as full of air as a stall of corn-eating horses’ ‘Officer Pipe Cleaner folded his bony frame like a carpenter’s ruler’ ‘his voice was like run-over gravel’ ‘some of these guys could strut sitting down’ “This character’s as tough as a skunk...” All in all, a thoroughly positive experience and a satisfying read.
Marco F
Reviewed in the United States on May 10, 2022
Verified Purchase
This book is indeed captivating and full of life lessons. We never stop learning, and this read is perfect if you wish to expand your knowledge of religion. I recommend this one. https://www.amazon.com/gp/customer-reviews/R3UTQOL5H6H8PT/ref=cm_cr_getr_d_rvw_ttl?ie=UTF8&ASIN=031010372X
Great Spiritual Read
Reviewed in the United States on April 4, 2022
Very good read, kudos to the author
Amazon Customer
Good read, look forward to more.
Reviewed in the United States on March 27, 2022
I stopped in at the Little America truck stop in Wyoming last week and picked up this book. I was happily surprised with it. It was exciting and spiritual. It's the type of book I will keep to read again down the road. Thank you and look forward to more to come.
Trucking as a vehicle for religious inspiration
Reviewed in the United States on March 8, 2022
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Rough Way to the High Way by Kelly Mack McCoy is a trucker's tale about Christian inspiration mixed in with a crime thriller. It's well written though the dialog sometimes drags and seems repetitive. I would recommend the book for readers of all ages who might enjoy a different take on a familiar trope—an unsolved murder investigation.
Margaret S.
Delightful and Thought Provoking
Reviewed in the United States on March 1, 2022
Verified Purchase
The main character, Mack, is a preacher turned truck driver. His adventures begin when he picks up a hitchhiker. While driving his load to Chicago, Mack has one mishap after another. How will it end? Read the book and find out. This novel draws you in and is a pleasure to read. The characters are wonderfully created, and the dialog and expressions are delightful. You will keep reading to find out what happens next.
Jessica Lykins
Rough way to the highway
Reviewed in the United States on February 23, 2022
Verified Purchase
Great story. Not your average preacher story. I really enjoyed it. It shows that preachers are humans too that struggle with the same things we do. It’s a religious story without being to preachy. I loved that most of the characters where called by their description like officer pipe cleaner. I think even if you are not too religious you would enjoy the mystery side of the story.
I think you need to be religious
Reviewed in the United States on February 7, 2022
Verified Purchase
The author loves god or so it would seem, fine but for me, I found the concept armed down my throat a bit. The main character is told what to do by God and gets into trouble. It just wasn't for me but I understand that it may be for most others so I'm not going to mark it down to much but I found it tedious and unnecessary. I hope the book is enjoyed but the god-fearing folk who I'm sure to understand this more than me.
Reviewed in the United States on January 28, 2022
Verified Purchase
It’s exciting, intriguing, suspenseful, adventure-filled, and humorous. Watch out for the twist and turns! Although it’s a Christian fiction novel, it doesn’t come across as too preachy. https://www.amazon.com/gp/customer-reviews/R16VVU5RV3GESH/ref=cm_cr_arp_d_rvw_ttl?ie=UTF8&ASIN=031010372X
Samuel David Steine
Reviewed in the United States on January 16, 2022
Verified Purchase
People of all beliefs will enjoy this well-written novel. If you have ever wondered what might have happened if you had picked up that hitchhiker you drove past; then this book will make you wonder even more. Rough Way to the High Way is a highly creative but fascinating book that will make a great present. Recommended.
John O. Branch
I recommend this book to everyone!
Reviewed in the United States on January 11, 2022
Verified Purchase
I thoroughly enjoyed reading this book! Truly mysterious at times and emotionally stirring! I am looking forward to reading my next Kelly Mack McCoy novel!
Jinn K
Enjoyed it!
Reviewed in the United States on December 30, 2021
An imaginative and suspense filled book that was well written. Easy to read and a slow calming pace… I definitely enjoyed the plot build up and characters
Great pass time read
Reviewed in the United States on December 9, 2021
Verified Purchase
Such a great pass time read. I am a believer, but not too intense about it, and this was a very good book with a very meaningful lessons. If you're not religious, I still recommend it because it talks about beliefs but not too pushy or too much. Great life lesson that of course had my sensitive self crying when I finished the book
Reviewed in the United States on December 3, 2021
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Page turner. Heartwarming and insightful written in ways that capture readers imagination and heart. Fun to read and experience. Creative and wit filled.
Kim M
Waiting for the next trip
Reviewed in the United States on November 21, 2021
Verified Purchase
I had fun with the book and wouldn’t mind future road trips with Mack. The Texas slang and trucker lingo brought a lot of character to the story, and it’s always nice to read a narrative coming from someone with actual life experience.
Sean Dollwet
Excellent mystery
Reviewed in the United States on November 16, 2021
Verified Purchase
This novel surprised me by how much I enjoyed it. It was fast-paced and full of twists and turns, as the reader accompanied Mack on his life-changing adventure. The story keeps the reader guessing as to where it will go next, with many twists and turns. The author did a fantastic job drawing us into the plot with interesting characters and just enough action to keep the pages turning. https://www.amazon.com/gp/customer-reviews/RORTQWTWNFOFY/ref=cm_cr_arp_d_rvw_ttl?ie=UTF8&ASIN=031010372X
Great book
Reviewed in the United States on November 9, 2021 Highly recommend https://www.amazon.com/gp/customer-reviews/R318LOEIKP0WB4/ref=cm_cr_arp_d_rvw_ttl?ie=UTF8&ASIN=031010372X
What a good surprise!
Reviewed in the United States on November 5, 2021
Verified Purchase
Slight spoilers... I wasn't altogether sure exactly what to expect out of Rough Way to the High Way, but I got a lot more than anticipated. It was more than just a quasi-diary of a trucker. From picking up a mysterious hitchhiker near the local prison, making instant friends with a truckstop waitress, and being the victim of an attempted break-in, to having a blowout of a new tire, getting shot at, and finding out his load was far more than he expected, it was delightfully suspenseful. Revolving around a conspiracy theory (albeit subtly at first), the story had Christianity woven throughout in such a way that's bound to draw a few Amens from believers without alienating non-believers. The writing style, while all the author's own, was easy to read and the pacing was, in my opinion, overall really good. I thoroughly enjoyed this book and would most definitely recommend it!
Fresh start!
Reviewed in the United States on October 23, 2021
Verified Purchase
This is a story of a retired preacher who, after his wife's death, sold everything he owned and became a trucker so he can have a fresh start. The narrative began when he picked up a mysterious hitchhiker who went MIA when they arrived at the truck stop. Here he met a waitress who is smart and humorous. This is where the reader would start to discover the backstory for this book. Then he continuous on with his journey where strange things keeps on happening to him. Or is it happening FOR him? After this, you won't want to put this book down. This book is more than just a novel. It's a reminder for us that there is something bigger out there that provides divine occurrences to help us figure out our hearts. A little faith and a lot of guidance from God will go a long way.
Captivating Read.
Reviewed in the United States on October 19, 2021
The author put his thoughts and inspiration into this story. It contains excitement and intrigue as well as valuable lessons. There is enough suspense to keep the pages turning. There are surprises you won't expect also. I recommend to those who enjoy Christian novels.
Twists, turns and conspiracies
Reviewed in the United States on October 18, 2021
The people just seemed to babble on and on, telling their life story to anyone. The main character could have been running from his own feelings, or searching for peace, after his wife’s murder. But he was also listening to God and trying to be faithful as he got tangled in an overwhelming conspiracy. I kept hanging in as I read, waiting for something to happen and all the different pieces to come together. Finally, about the middle of the book, as the plot thickened, the separate events began to form the relationships. The twists, turns, and conspiracies slowly came together and the white hats saved the world! A good story, a little hard to follow in places, and a little corny (some would call it humor) but all in all worth the read. https://www.amazon.com/gp/customer-reviews/R2V8EOQNEF1P65/ref=cm_cr_srp_d_rvw_ttl?ie=UTF8&ASIN=031010372X
Plot twists and turns like driving a truck!
Reviewed in the United States on October 16, 2021
I would give this book a 7 out of 10. Who would have thought a truck driver and a hitchhiker would be so entertaining? Or was it a hitchhiker...? I did notice that no one else ever saw the hitchhiker. This is quite a character driven book. The waitresses who served Mack at the truck stops were entertaining, as was the mechanic and the woman who owned the trucking business. It was nice that Mack & one of the waitresses hit it off especially well, as contrasted with the owner of the business who rubbed Mack up the wrong way at times. I enjoyed the overlapping stories of Mack's wife's death and the business owner's husband who also died. Suicide? Accident? Murder? Their stories gradually unfold and are interwoven. I found the middle two chapters about hell and heaven out of place. They seemed to come out of left field. If they were removed the book would still make perfect sense and the flow would not be disrupted. Having said that, I appreciated the other spiritual aspects and references within the story, the allusion to angels, Mack's dream of his wife and the revealing of important information through conversations, thoughts, visions and even street signs. I was thoroughly entertained by the complexities and intrigues of this story! Well done and thank you
That Reader Girl
Couldn't put it down!
Reviewed in the United States on October 9, 2021 . This book was gripping from page 1! Definitely holds your interest and takes you on a journey.
Not horrible, not great
Reviewed in the United States on October 3, 2021
Pretty amateurish cover with grammar, punctuation, and other errors in the body of the book. I sure wish indie writers would study the craft of writing before publication, or pay for artists, editors, and mentors to help them.
Alexa Sommers
Not bad
Reviewed in the United States on September 30, 2021
A decent read with an interesting storyline, the metaphors were heavy handed and distracted from the flow but it was okay overall.
great read
Reviewed in the United States on September 22, 2021 This is a well-written page turner with lots of unexpected twists. The characters are awesome and the main character is easily loved. I love the mystery and suspense.
steven phillippe
Well done
Reviewed in the United States on September 18, 2021
High intensity lots of plots and twists. Worth the read.
Entertaining Read
Reviewed in the United States on September 13, 2021
Rough Way to the High Way by Kelly Mack McCoy is a fun read. Interesting, entertaining, and engaging. A great mystery and suspense novel with lots of twists in the plot that will keep readers guessing. https://www.amazon.com/gp/customer-reviews/R2P8ATSFPRCINR/ref=cm_cr_arp_d_rvw_ttl?ie=UTF8&ASIN=031010372X
Collinscb 1
A great spiritual novel
Reviewed in the United States on September 10, 2021
Verified Purchase
Great book with excellent character development. The pace was a bit slow, but otherwise an enjoyable and compelling read https://www.amazon.com/gp/customer-reviews/R36F9FJRYMLJZY/ref=cm_cr_arp_d_rvw_ttl?ie=UTF8&ASIN=031010372X
LA Lionesss
Fantastic Christian fiction
Reviewed in the United States on September 5, 2021
Verified Purchase
l liked the story in this Christian fiction book. It is fast-paced and involves interesting characters like a pastor, murderer, smuggler, FBI agent, and more. The pastor's wife is murdered and get over the trauma he turns a trucker! Interesting story that keeps you glued to the pages! https://www.amazon.com/gp/customer-reviews/R3J5I02104GFB9/ref=cm_cr_arp_d_rvw_ttl?ie=UTF8&ASIN=031010372X
Julie Crane
Surprisingly good road novel
Reviewed in the United States on September 5, 2021
Verified Purchase
This is actually a road book worth reading with suspense, intrigue, life lessons and real feelings. The author did a great job pulling us into the story with compelling characters (who he does a great job describing) and just enough action to keep the pages turning. I’m a big fan of noir and this has a lot of those elements; a struggling and imperfect protagonist, snappy writing and surprising turns. There are a lot of debut novels floating about and this one is head and shoulders above them. I also appreciated that the biblical stuff wasn’t in your face or overwrought, instead making for a meaningful story with thoughtful lessons.
Thought provoking book!
Reviewed in the United States on September 2, 2021
The book has some fantastic characterizations and super deep conversations that are though-provoking. An unique book that has all the elements of suspense and humor. https://www.amazon.com/gp/customer-reviews/R1ZLN5QUIFP79T/ref=cm_cr_getr_d_rvw_ttl?ie=UTF8&ASIN=031010372X
Mark van
Couldn't put it away!
Reviewed in the United States on September 1, 2021
Verified Purchase
This book got me rethinking many things in my life. The main character is a truck driver that used to be a preacher and that just struck a cord with me from the get go! There are many unexpected twists. 5 stars! https://www.amazon.com/gp/customer-reviews/R2DF8AEJVOG7MI/ref=cm_cr_arp_d_rvw_ttl?ie=UTF8&ASIN=031010372X
I love books!
Great Message! Engaging read
Reviewed in the United States on August 31, 2021
Verified Purchase
This author is a great storyteller and will grab your attention from page one. If I had to critique it, some of the dialogue seems a little wooden but overall a great read!
High stakes adventure
Reviewed in the United States on August 31, 2021
A mysterious hitchhiker, smugglers, and a determined killer all lead Mack onto a journey filled with twists and turns and dreams and visions. Well-written, edited, and formatted. Honestly feel like the author pulled from his own experiences with trucking and also from life lessons and his relationship with God. I learned a lot about trucking! Mack is a fun, relatable character, and his journey is one that speaks to us all. All sorts of eccentric, entertaining characters.
Rose Anderson
Good story and message
Reviewed in the United States on August 22, 2021
There's a good story in here, but the book needs a professional developmental editor's help to pick up the pacing in the beginning and fix some other things throughout. The story does get really rolling toward the end, but we haven't been prepared for what comes. It's a little all over the map (ha! pun intended), but it is a good story with a good message.
Sunny DelSegno
Really Enjoyed
Reviewed in the United States on August 18, 2021 I actually loved this book! As a sucker for the movie "Reservoir Dogs", I thoroughly enjoyed that each person was called by a nickname as opposed to a traditional name. I felt that it gave a good sense of each character as well! https://www.amazon.com/gp/customer-reviews/R3UUKTI6TNDSC7/ref=cm_cr_arp_d_rvw_ttl?ie=UTF8&ASIN=031010372X
Reviewed in the United States on August 13, 2021
Verified Purchase
Having read only the title and skimming the description, I wasn’t quite expecting what I got. I assumed Rough Way to the High Way to be a low-stakes character study of a preacher-turned-trucker dealing with grief and learning some lessons from the folks he meets along the way. That’s true, but the book takes a surprising detour into suspense and conspiracy theories, with some old school proselytizing along the way. Did the book need the literal life-or-death, 1990s action flick stakes? Not really. But it gave the author something to hang his character arcs on, so I’m not that bothered by it. If I have any critiques of the book, it’s that some of the conversation scenes drag, and we often have the lead character repeating bits in dialogue the reader has already witnessed. I’m also not sure why the book’s written from a fairly straightforward omniscient point of view when Mack is present in every scene and we’re seeing the story through his eyes. Sometimes we’re given Mack’s thoughts in italics, but it’s odd the author didn’t simply write the entire text in Sympathetic Perspective, with the narration taking on Mack’s “voice.” Overall, I had fun with the book and wouldn’t mind future road trips with Mack. The Texas slang and trucker lingo brought a lot of character to the story, and it’s always nice to read a narrative coming from someone with actual life experience.
Loved it!
Reviewed in the United States on August 12, 2021
Verified Purchase
A wonderful and thought-provoking tale, well told. I loved preacher-turned truck-driver, Mack, such a likable character who seemed real to me. From his faith to his questions of the Almighty, this story rolls the reader elegantly down the highway of life and the mysterious. Being from the Texas Panhandle, this book was especially enjoyable as it made me think of my uncles and aunts and that "plain-speak" I miss hearing from them. Great twists and turns that will keep you guessing and turning pages to the very end. https://www.amazon.com/gp/customer-reviews/R2G7A52NTUIGQ/ref=cm_cr_arp_d_rvw_ttl?ie=UTF8&ASIN=031010372X
Rough Way to the High Way
Reviewed in the United States on August 11, 2021 Eye opening & soul-searching adventurous journey. Must read. Highly recommended!
Fast Reader
Homegrown wisdom
Reviewed in the United States on July 25, 2021
If you want a breath of fresh country air, spiced up with a pinch of homegrown wisdom, this book is for you. it may come off as a bit preachy, but at its core it is a genuinely warm and kind story about a man finding redemption. The folksy-type language isn't for everybody, but I found it refreshing and overall enjoyable.
Rollin K. Miller
This one sort of sneeks up on you...
Reviewed in the United States on July 22, 2021
And before you know it, you are knee-deep in the story. A well-written tale that is worth the time. So for all of you wannabe truck drivers, pull up a chair, get your glass of iced tea and, turn on the lamp. You are in for a ride that sometimes is a little bumpy but worth every page. https://www.amazon.com/gp/customer-reviews/R3RJIPKEADHJ7B/ref=cm_cr_getr_d_rvw_ttl?ie=UTF8&ASIN=031010372X
Paul W. Matthews
Reviewed in the United States on July 20, 2021 A really well written book. https://www.amazon.com/gp/customer-reviews/RGXTHR35GXN35/ref=cm_cr_arp_d_rvw_ttl?ie=UTF8&ASIN=031010372X
An inspiring faith story
Reviewed in the United States on July 19, 2021
Verified Purchase
The story about pastor Mack is very inspiring. It’s well written, contains many twists and good humor. Faith is matched with Bible quotes. A beautiful feed for my soul.
Suspense and mystery
Reviewed in the United States on July 14, 2021
Plot twists will keep readers guessing. I truly found this story to be uplifting. It is fascinating to read. A pastor turned long-distance trucker, deals with sorrow and perceived failings as a preacher while dealing with a mystery hitchhiker, smuggling, and a ruthless killer. A journey that started as a quest for solitude has become a high-stakes thriller as a Texas Ranger and FBI agent strive to find the perpetrator. Well-written fiction that will appeal to anyone. The book is full of adventure and mysteries yet leaning towards the spiritual faith. It also motivates and encourages the reader to make changes in their lives and create positive choices for a better life. https://www.amazon.com/gp/customer-reviews/R2YYXQOGCQ11A0/ref=cm_cr_arp_d_rvw_ttl?ie=UTF8&ASIN=031010372X
Christian Fiction with An Edge
Reviewed in the United States on July 7, 2021
Admittedly, I purchased this because I'm fan of trucker stories, and hadn't realized this was Christian Fiction. That said, the Christian side of it could have easily been incorporated as any story with a minister as the protagonist, and I found both the plot, premise and themes to be both engaging and refreshing. The protagonist, who is looking to process the depths of his grief after after being widowed, finds himself drawn back into the drama to bring final resolution to his late wife. The narrative blends multiple themes, finding the points of cultural overlap that work together, and weave them around central characters who mean well by the world, and are lucky enough to find a common cause in bringing. justice to the the world they know.
A Highway Story for Everyone
Reviewed in the United States on May 30, 2021
Verified Purchase
Rough Way to the Highway by Kelly Mac McCoy is a folky thriller about a pastor who becomes a truck driver in an attempt to understand why God has seemingly let his wife die. As a road story, Mac meets all sorts of eccentric, entertaining characters, and the biblical references throughout, as quoted by pastor Mac, are both selfless and illuminating. Mac is forced to deal with all sorts of mayhem on the highway in his attempts to understand the ultimate connection between everything going on—which takes us to a startling conclusion. It’s a really fun read and highly recommended.
James Zayner
a good ol' book
Reviewed in the United States on May 30, 2021
As a devoted agnostic, I approached this book with much trepidation, like a non-swimmer jumping into the deep end of the pool. But I took a leap of faith, and found that I was able to keep my head above water. I was pleasantly surprised at the abundance of good ol' Texas humor (think vintage Larry McMurtry) as well as its irreverence and suspense. In the end, I genuinely found this novel to be inspirational. Maybe not enough to get me to convert, but at least enough to allow me to acknowledge that there are unearthly forces out there to guide us if we are open to them. This author is the real McCoy, and I recommend Rough Way highly.
Amazon Customer
Part Detective Story, Spy Story, and Black Hats versus White Hats
Reviewed in the United States on May 27, 2021 Verified Purchase Kelly Mack McKoy writes a good tale that twists and turns and keeps you guessing as to what is really going on. Ex-pastor Bobby Lee "Mack" McClain hits the road driving a semi load of beef from Texas to Chicago after his wife's suicide. Morose, he pulls into a truck stop near his old home town when someone tries to break into his truck. Mystified as to why anyone would try to steal huge sides of beef, he continues on his journey, picking up a hitch hiker along the way. Blown tires, broken windows and mysterious notes keep the trip from being boring. But is anything really what it seems to be? "Rough Way to the High Way" starts slow but builds quickly. The author's laid-back Texas style of language is refreshing, including the use of descriptors for names. As the drive continues, the plot becomes more convoluted, until the reader doesn't know who the "Black Hats" are - villains, terrorists, or just evil incarnate. Biblical references throughout are thoughtful and not overpowering. The ending climax is almost Armageddonistic, but leaves enough Black Hats free for a sequel. Overall, well written, though my Kindle version had some editing display issues.
pastor turns to trucking to save lives, including his own
Reviewed in the United States on May 19, 2021
Verified Purchase
In Rough Way to the Highway, a pastor turns to trucking in a literal and deeply metaphorical attempt to run from the God that allowed his wife to die. But God won’t leave him behind, appearing in corporal form and guiding him to another ministry on the road, that of bringing others to God while solving the mystery behind his wife's death and saving the world at the same time. Full of trucker stories and theology and Bible verse, McCoy imbues Rough Way to the Highway with an expert’s voice, but also the pain and humility of a man traumatized by the loss of someone he loved dearly.
Burl Randolph, Jr.
An Insightful Ride!
Reviewed in the United States on May 1, 2021
Verified Purchase
An excellent and entertaining book! Kelly Mack McCoy's Rough Way to the High Way provided two of my favorite reading aspects: intrigue and inspiration! Mack kept me on the edge of my seat from chapter to chapter, while teaching me salient points about leadership, loyalty, and life. Mack's storytelling style keeps the reader engaged, entertained, and energized to keep reading for the next plot twist! Mack provides a ride well worth the fare!
M. A.
Adventures galore
Reviewed in the United States on April 6, 2021
“Rough Way to the High Way,” is written by new author Kelly Mack McCoy. This book is filled with “stuff” right from the get-go. Humor, love, faith, mystery, anger, sassy attitude, grief, adventure, being real! So much thought producing content that it is hard to know where to start and where to stop with a review. I think it COULD be ten pages long… but I digress. Mack, a recent widower, also a recent pastor, is now driving a truck, needing to get a load to Chicago by Monday morning. If strange things would quit happening, maybe he would be able to. He seems to have one trouble after another. It all started with picking up a hitchhiker, an ex-prisoner named Ricky, or is it Rocky? Then a strange attempted robbery, then a flat tire, a BRAND-NEW flat tire. Nothing is going right. And yet, he continues his mission. Each person he meets on his route receives kind words and encouragement from Mack. Though he is grieving the death of a loved one, is heartbroken really, and though he is no longer working as a pastor, he just can’t stop loving people and helping them, doing his best to lead them to truths, to God. But he seems to be mixed up in…something, perhaps a conspiracy? Things go from bad to worse for Mack and the Monday deadline is getting closer…and that is about all I can say as I don’t want to give too much of the plot away. “Rough Way to the High Way,” is an easy reading, interesting book. I would recommend it for teenagers to adults, it is clean, mysterious, and above all, ethical. I will be watching for more books from Kelly Mack McCoy!
You won't be able to put this one down
Reviewed in the United States on March 2, 2021
Verified Purchase
Buckle up and hop into Mack's truck for a journey on a highway you've never been before. A highway full of excitement, crime, the light side, the dark side, joy, grief, fear, faith, and God. Mack is just a lovable character that you can't stop reading on. His faith in God and the way he faces each challenge is something to learn from. Kelly's story telling is honestly one of the best I've read and will make you feel the wind of highway cooling your face in a hot Texas day. He will make you smile, cry, and jump off your couch from time to time. Cannot wait for the next novel in line.
Kindle Reader
you get a lot of the same old tired thing
Reviewed in the United States on February 28, 2021
Verified Purchase
Mack is a truck driver that picks up a hitchhiker that just got out of prison. “Things happen for a reason.” Apparently, Mack picked up the hitchhiker because God told him to. The whole thing has a slow pace and lengthy narratives that often seem repetitive and full of hearty town-folk dialogue that you don’t always get. It’s mostly Mack driving around and conversing with these colorful characters that have no names. Nothing really happens. By chapter 15, you learn that there’s more to Mack’s load than originally thought. It doesn’t progress much from there. You still get a lot of the same old tired thing.
A must read
Reviewed in the United States on February 18, 2021
Verified Purchase
At first I was unsure if I would like this story, but after I started reading it, I couldn't put it down. Loved it, Just when I thought I had it figured out, I was pleasantly surprised that I was wrong. Fantastic book, I was hooked after the first few pages. Will definitely be watching for more books from this author. A must read.
Jenny Rose
Awkward religious visions
Reviewed in the United States on February 4, 2021
Robert McClain is a former preacher turned truck driver, but folks call him Mack. After his wife Georgia died, he needed to find himself again and decided to do that as a trucker. On his first drive in his new job, Mack picked up a hitchhiker named Ricky, a.k.a. Rocky. Ironically Rocky was standing right under a “Do Not Pick Up Hitchhikers” sign outside a prison. Everybody knows you’re not supposed to pick up hitchhikers, yet Mack felt moved to. Picking up the hitchhiker seemed to be the beginning of trouble. Mack nearly tipped his 18-wheeler due to the swinging beef he was hauling and the combine he swerved to miss. Next, a couple tries to break into his truck when he stops to eat at a truck stop. Later his tire is shot out. Then he is shot at and his cab window is busted. All these problems seem to point back to a Dr. Hashim who had diagnosed Georgia with cancer. This Dr. Hashim also attended a service or two at Mack’s church. With each problem, Mack meets a waitress named Barb, a ranger named Ben Garza, and a G-man. I was intrigued with the premise of a former preacher turned truck driver. As the story progressed, the characters Mack met along the way seemed like typical folks a trucker driver would meet on their route. Unfortunately, the plot that unfolded became stranger and less likely. I had trouble following when Mack was having a flash-back memory, a dream, or a vision. Dr. Hashim’s character did not make sense to me--I’m not sure if more back-story would help. Overall, Rough Way to the High Way was an entertaining read. I think I would recommend it to high school and up.
Grace A. Johnson VINE VOICE
A Thrilling Escapist Mystery on the Road From Pampa
Reviewed in the United States on February 3, 2021
*Warnings* #1 This is a long review, so pull up a chair and grab a bowl of popcorn. You'll be here awhile. #2 When I read a review, I want substantial information. So I will not skimp on the details. Which will mean some spoilers, so watch out. First Thoughts I was pleasantly surprised, once I scrolled onto the first page of Kelly Mack McCoy’s debut novel, to find it well-written, edited, and formatted. (Once I researched Elm Hill, I was again surprised to learn about HarperCollins’ independent-publishing imprint!) Don’t be fooled—this is not your average indie book, debut novel, or mystery. I wasn’t quite sure in the beginning where the mystery, danger, or excitement was coming in. Like other readers, I felt a lag—but the story began to pick up as I met new characters, learned more about Mack (our preacher-trucker-detective protagonist), and sensed the encroaching danger. The Plot The overall plot of Rough Way to the High Way is a little...undefinable. There’s no perceivable beginning, middle, or end—it’s one event after the other along the road to Chicago. This is both an escapist thriller and the spiritual journey of our hero Mack, as he struggles with grief over his wife’s death (which he believes was actually murder) and his lack of purpose now that he’s quit the ministry. For readers who like a strong, well thought-out, defined book with a step-by-step plot, this book isn’t for you. It’s a little too close to our protagonist, a little too unexpected, and a little too much fun! In some ways, I think having a stronger plot (with all the proper incidents and climaxes) might have been preferred. It would have given the story a backbone and made things flow better than being figuratively smacked in in the face by new happenings. In other ways, however, I can how see the escapism (which I mean in a nice way, y’all) and the wild road we travel with Mack makes the story better and more intriguing. The Characters We don’t really get to know anyone as well as Mack. The secondary characters—Barb, Ricky, Ben, etc—stay a respectable arm’s length away from our protagonist. That allows us to grow with Mack and feel for him, even if the story’s written in a limited third-person perspective. As for Mack, he’s got the tough, kind of sarcastic demeanor we associate with truckers, but his faith in God gives him a relatable, approachable air. We don’t ever get fully into his perspective (which I missed...first-person POV might have made the story even richer), but we get to know him like we would the fun uncle who always gives us candy and plays catch with the boys. His story, faith, and journey are so relatable! I honestly feel like the author pulled from not only his own experiences with trucking but also from life lessons and his relationship with God. Mack had his faults (such as being a little gullible), but he had a lot going for him, which made him a lovable protagonist. The Subject Well, suffice it to say I learned a lot about trucking! That aspect of the novel was executed perfectly, of course. Everything felt so real (maybe a little 1980s-’90s, but those decades just fit the aura much better, if you know what I mean!), but I will admit that the other stuff was a bit lacking. I feel like McCoy was trying to do a wee bit too much. I mean, terrorists tied to his wife’s murder? Government cover-ups? I don’t know. The big-city crimes didn’t jive with the small town trucking aura. Of course, once you tie in the supernatural elements, you’re left with either the whole spice cabinet in your gumbo or a really flavorful soup—it all depends on your perspective. For some, I think the combination would work. For me, I would have liked either or—a slow mystery on the dusty highway out of Texas or a thrilling battle between the government and terrorists. Either way, he tied everything together, left no loose ends, and created a convincing mystery—one that was full of twists and turns! Even though Mack’s Heaven and Hell encounters kind of came out of nowhere, I think they were well-executed and played into Mack’s journey well. (And, of course, I love a well-executed encounter scene!) The Prose McCoy has a strong, straightforward prose. It’s even and stable, balanced between description and, well, non-description. I missed getting closer to Mack, missed the emotion, and missed hearing his voice. However, the author had a clean voice and polished prose. And, just throwing this in for extra, I really liked his naming of the other characters—like Mr. Tire Man and Officer Pipe Cleaner. I’ve done the same before, so it’s great to see another author do so! And the cemetery/seminary confusion only serves to make Mack seem more real, and both things give him and the story more flavor! Long Story Short… I honestly was surprised by how good Rough Way to the High Way was. It had its low points, yes, but McCoy gave us a strong escapist story that thrills, excites, and inspires. Mack is a fun, relatable character, and his journey is one that speaks to us all (even if we weren’t involved in murders and schemes to take over the world)!
WOW! This is a fantastic book! Well deserving of a 5 star or more review!
Reviewed in the United States on January 31, 2021
WOW! This is a fantastic book! Well deserving of a 5 star or more review! This is one to be reckoned with! This is one of them types of books that you really just don't know how to describe into words but fully know how to recommend it! If you haven't read this book yet you really are missing out!
Doris M. Christian
It is more Christian religion than suspense.
Reviewed in the United States on December 29, 2020
I was given this book so I could review it and give an honest opinion. When I agreed to read it, it was said to be a suspense novel, that is why I got it to read. Amazon says it is a religious novel. I thought it must be a satire since it was so blatantly the negative portrayal of people of the Texas panhandle. It centers on religion, ignorance (continuous folksy sayings) and a government conspiracy. After reading the reviews in the front of the book, I have decided this is not satire, this author takes himself seriously. I will give him one star and suggest to the educated people in the Texas Panhandle that they sue him for defamation of character.
Slow beginning but great after
Reviewed in the United States on August 31, 2020
I felt this story began way too slowly but I decided I would read it to the end. I know a story needs some time for background information but I felt this was too much. That was why I gave it 4 stars. When the background information was finished, the story moved along nicely. It kept you wondering what was going to happen next and who was the bad guy. And I never could figure it out. I would highly recommend this book.
Awesome read
Reviewed in the United States on June 4, 2020
Great book, I really enjoyed it!!!
Iris Long
Hard to put down
Reviewed in the United States on May 13, 2020
I thoroughly enjoyed everything about this book. Great plot, surprise twists and turns as the story unfolded, and expert characterization. I cared what happened to the players in this story and appreciated the raw honesty expressed in the truck driver. I could hardly wait to see what happened next. Highly recommend.
Mack & God hit the road
Reviewed in the United States on May 11, 2020
Robert "Mack" McClain is a former preacher who has returned to his roots as a long-haul trucker after his wife, Georgia's, death. Mack needs some windshield therapy and also needs to prove that Georgia did not commit suicide but was actually murdered. Mack is on his way to his childhood home of Pampa, Texas to pick up a load of swinging meat when he sees a hitchhiker. Feeling that God is telling him to offer a ride, Mack picks up Ricky/Rocky and the antics begin. I enjoyed this book more than I thought I would. It moved at a fast pace and was full of twists and turns as the reader goes along with Mack for the ride of his life. I enjoyed the way that the author interspersed Biblical teachings throughout the story without coming across as preachy. I also enjoyed the way that Mr. McCoy used trucker's lingo to make the book seem more realistic. Mr. McCoy used humor throughout the book, even as things began to turn violent. I especially liked how he used minor characters' physical attributes to "name" them instead of giving them a meaningless (and hard to keep track of) name. Officer Pipe Cleaner, Mr. President, and Round Face are just a few of these names and the author's descriptions gave me a true picture of how they looked. It was nice to read a thriller/suspense book without gratuitous cursing and violence for a change. All in all, this was an entertaining way to spend a few hours on the road with Mack. I hope that Mr. McCoy decides to write more adventures with Mack as I am sure that I would learn a few things and be uplifted at the same time.
Great Book
Reviewed in the United States on April 25, 2020
I enjoyed reading the book. I can work with truck drivers daily and the book reminds of all the old school truckers. Good writing for author’s first book!
Aubrey Buxtonzon
Truck Driver that loves the Lord
Reviewed in the United States on April 12, 2020
Verified Purchase
Interesting mystery read about a Trucker dealing with his life and the his way of dealing with the real world in a Godly manner. Great read. Can't wait for the next one
Bonny Rambarran
Murder. Mysterious notes, Strangers that become friends.
Reviewed in the United States on April 10, 2020
This book will totally keep you turning the page to find out what happens next. Suspense, danger, attempted murder, and above all God's grace throughout the whole book. Absolutely loved this book!!!
Rough way to the high way
Reviewed in the United States on March 30, 2020
Exciting read. Thrilling and suspenseful story that will keep you engaged.
Christine Woinich as Iron Canuck Reviews & More
One bumpy ride full of intrigue, danger, and God
Reviewed in the United States on March 28, 2020
This was in intriguing read. Mack was a Pastor who, after the murder of his wife, went back to being a long-haul trucker. Throughout the many incidents, danger, near-death, that he experienced from Pampa to Chicago, he helped spread the news about God and found his own way back to God. With the help of a Texas Ranger, an FBI agent, a diner waitress, an ex-con hitchhiker, and his boss, he worked to solve a conspiracy of terrorism. There were moments that the story dragged a bit, and there were moments that I had tears in my eyes. I kept turning pages to see where this would go, and I enjoyed that journey along with Mack.
Great read!!!
Reviewed in the United States on March 26, 2020
read this in one evening. looking forward to more from this Author!!!
I. Ray
interesting book
Reviewed in the United States on March 23, 2020
This was quite an interesting read with lots of interesting plot twists. I liked the characters and the story. It was interesting to follow him and all the decisions that he made while on the road. The cast of characters was interesting as well. I have not read this author previously but I would definitely choose another book by them. I think this is a good book but it certainly isn’t for everyone. The religious themes and ideals might offend some. I think it fit into the story well. I would recommend it to those who enjoy reading this kind of book.
Jessica Mitchell
Rough way to the high way
Reviewed in the United States on March 20, 2020
Is a very interesting read. Has a lot of action, mysteries and a grand adventure once started you won't stop from reading it all. Characters and storyline was well written. Had no problem at all putting things together. Mack is a pastor turned truck driver. Whose life is all but fancy and dandy. His one thing he wants in life is revenge against the Dr. Who murdered his wife Georgina. But with everything else going on lately. Will he even make it home in one piece.
B. Burnham
Murder is more than it seems
Reviewed in the United States on January 30, 2020
Rough Way to The High Way is the debut offering of Kelly Mack McCoy. This mystery centers on pastor-turned-trucker Mack McLain and the uncovering of a murder case that is much more than it seems. The book takes the reader on the road as Mack seeks some windshield therapy as he recovers from the death of his wife. Complications in a simple long haul trip crop up even before Mack can really get on the road. As Mack dodges bad guys, he learns of a conspiracy much deeper than he could imagine. This book will appeal to readers who like to cut to the chase — no detailed descriptions of setting and characters. There’s plenty of action, but also a good bit of conversation that pushes forward the narrative. Colloquialisms from the road and Texas abound which give it authenticity. I did find a few a bit repetitious though. There is some spiritual warfare depicted in the novel that increases the reader’s awareness of the struggle of good and evil underlying the story line, however, I found it a bit jarring and confusing. Perhaps in subsequent books in the series that can be handled a little more smoothly. I think Rough Way to The High Way will appeal to those who like just the facts mysteries — those stories that focus on the details of a case.
S. J. Main
Good Read
Reviewed in the United States on January 15, 2020
Rough way to the highway is a fictional story about Mack. He sells everything to buy a truck and work as a truck driver. Mack used to be a pastor and is struggling with grief – loss of his wife. He failed to be a minister, and he appears not to have gotten over the matter. The pages turn when he picks up a hitchhiker, and that is when the story becomes compelling. I enjoyed the religious aspect of the book. Although it did take a dominant role, it was there, and with that, the story found a profound meaning to it. This book is the first of a series, and so I was pleased to see that the author managed to provide enough sideline stories to carry on with the sequel. The tale was philosophical and action-based. The adventure began from the start and continued to the end. This kept the pace and interest ongoing, and therefore the book was a fun read. I would recommend this book to people who like to read fictional stories.
Dawn H
Good first novel
Reviewed in the United States on January 6, 2020
I chose to read this book after receiving a free copy from the author through Book Sirens. All opinions in this review are my own and completely unbiased. Mack has decided he needs some “windshield time” after he loses his wife. He’s told it was suicide, but he’s convinced it was murder. The former pastor still lets God guide him through life, which is more than evident throughout his story. No matter what curve ball is thrown at him, Mack is able to handle it through faith and determination. He’s able to analyze events and is often one stop ahead of the authorities. It’s a good thing he’s working with them. I enjoyed the names that Mack gives various people he comes across: Officer Pipe Cleaner, G-man, Officer Smiley, Mr. Tire Man, etc. I also liked the author’s writing style. It was fast reading with constant action. The one thing that irritated me was that everyone called him “driver.” If you’re looking for a book that is good for your soul, look no further. This is a good first novel by the author, and I look forward to reading more of his work.
Thanks for the read
Reviewed in the United States on November 23, 2019 I receive the book from the author for an honest review. The author's writing style took me a while getting used to it. Too many repeats as the story had to be told for every person Mack met made it dreary and dull. The story itself was gripping once you passed al the repetitive conversations. Grief and moving forward after an ordeal the main topics of the story, which was touching. The driver was struggling with real issues that I can relate to, struggling with the same in my own life. Life does not always come with a manual and it is difficult to understand God's guidance but things tend to work out. The crime mystery gave it an interesting swing as Mack's time to mend collided with mystery and treachery. Barb's character was a very good supporting character that grounded Mack, like a soundboard to Mack. Personally, I think with better proofreading, removing all the repetitions, etc this could be a 5-star story. Showing, in this case, would be a great improvement instead of telling.
A Story of a Journey
Reviewed in the United States on October 25, 2019
I received an advance review free copy from Book Sirens and have voluntarily provided a review. 4.5 stars, but that's not an option so I gave it five. Rough Way to the High Way is primarily the story of a man's journey back from grief. The journey we see is a cross country trip in a tractor trailer. Mack, a former minister who has lost his wife, attempts to drive a load of sides of beef from the Panhandle of Texas to Chicago. He soon realizes this is not a normal trip, as there are repeated attempts to sabotage him. Mack picks up enemies, but also friends on the way, and God is there as always, ordering his steps. The white hats and black hats described in this book sound a lot like what is going on today. The battle between good and evil is well written. The grief Mack feels for his wife reaches out and grabs the reader. Although Mack meets many "bad guys," the primary villain never comes face to face with Mack, which is slightly disappointing. The minor characters were not named. Instead they were called things like Red Face and Officer Pipe Cleaner, but I found this entertaining. The descriptions of heaven and hell were intriguing. And even after reading the end, I'm still not sure if Ricky is real or not, but that's a good thing. Christian Readers will love this book. Also, if you love conspiracy stories, crime stories, and stories of good vs. evil, you will love this book. #BookSirens #KellyMackMcCoy #RoughWayToTheHighway #Christianbooks
Good debut book!
Reviewed in the United States on October 21, 2019
This book was a little bit of a mixed bag for me. The writing was really good, the characters and the things they said often had me smiling, and the story had a good pace. I know some people didn't like the way names were assigned to characters like Officer Smiley, G-Man, Sugar Dumpling, etc., but I liked them--it added character to the story. What had me struggling at the end some was all of the trucker terms that I didn't understand like "seal number" and "bill of lading." Those terms were important to understand the conclusion, and without that understanding the conclusion wasn't, in my opinion, as impactful as it could have been. Overall though, it was a good read!
very interesting!
Reviewed in the United States on October 18, 2019
The debut novel by Kelly McCoy shows a genius in the uniqueness of the main character Mack McClain. Mack is a truck driver who shares his faith as he travels the roads. Mack seems to meet interesting folks and comes up against danger. The story includes Mack having thoughts and feelings about his father. His faith is a reality to him, and it is what drives the decisions he makes along the way. Mack is an interesting character in that he is a truck driver, which isn’t a career mentioned in the many novels I have read. As I read, it reminded me of when as a family we would travel, and my Dad would talk to truck drivers via a CB in the car. The difference in hearing the truckers talk and the book is that this novel is a clean read from beginning to end not that all drivers talk in the same manner. The author has great potential, and I hope he really continues to write stories that bring unlikely characters and personalities together. The hard part for me in reading the book was sometimes the language that must be part of the drivers being on the road or nicknaming other players in the story. Perhaps in future tales the author could scale back all the nicknames and write in a way that the general public could follow better. I hope many readers give this book a chance and discover for themselves a tale that has suspense, unlikely characters, faith from the perspective of someone who drives a truck. Who would have thought? Keep writing Kelly! You have a gift, and I look forward to seeing how you develop as a storyteller with your life experiences that bring a newness to the world of fiction.
Teresa Collins
Really good, clean, enjoyable read
Reviewed in the United States on October 16, 2019
I thoroughly enjoyed this story of Robert "Mack" McClain and his journey in the world of 18-wheelers to find the peace of mind he lost when his wife died. Mack decides that what he needs is "windshield therapy. And so begins one more exciting journey as he tries to get a load of "swinging meat" delivered to Chicago on time. The story keeps the reader guessing about where it will go next and provides plenty of twists, turns and surprises. The characters feel like real-life people that you may know in your own life. The dialogue feels genuine and the story moves smoothly. And while it is obvious this is just the first in a series, this particular part of the story is closed out well, without leaving the reader hanging. (I HATE cliffhangers!) My favorite part of the book was that Mr. McCoy proved it is possible to write a really good, suspenseful mystery without resorting to explicit, gratuitous sex, and an over-abundance of profanity. It was such a nice change. I will be looking for the other books in this series and will read them as quickly as possible.
Carolyn M. West
Suspenseful clean read. I enjoyed this fun read
Reviewed in the United States on September 29, 2019
Surprised by how much I ended up liking this novel. It kinda started lagging and I thought it was going to stay that way. I really liked how the author named some of the characters by their appearance or jobs like Bull Hauler or officer pipe cleaner. It made reading the book fun not trying to keep track of everyone’s names. So Mack is on the road as an over the road trucker trying to get over his wife’s death. He has a simple job is seems take a load of beef to Chicago but he can’t seem seem to to get there. First a tire gets shot out not far from the truck stop he just left forcing a return to the truck stop. Then his window is shot out, I won’t give away the story but it’s not preachy and a good suspense story. I liked it and look forward to the next one.
Benito Garza
Great story
Reviewed in the United States on September 19, 2019
Verified Purchase
Super story line...nail biter
Terry, SC
An ok book.
Reviewed in the United States on September 10, 2019
Rough Way to the High Way is a debut novel by author Kelly Mack McCoy. Things I appreciated about the book was that it was a clean read and God seems very important to the author. I'm just an average reader. When I write reviews I don't sit down and plan them. I don't rewrite the synopsis or plot. I simply write how I felt about the book as I was reading. My reviews usually are just a couple paragraphs. This book will be the exception. My main problem with the book was the way everybody talked. Everyone person that Mack met was given a name that was made up instead of their real name. This made up name was used throughout the entire book. The following are some of the names. Mr. Tobacco. Mr. Tire Man. Alien Man Mr. Bull Hauler. Officer Smiley Officer Pipe Cleaner. G Man Officer Round Face. Dumpster Man Officer Stone Face. Sugar Dumpling Officer Shaky. Agent Red Face My next problem was the things people said. A guy and a gal bailed out and took off like a pair of scalded cats. She's about as jumpy as spit on a hot skillet. She ran off like a spooked buck in hunting season. We're about as busy as a stump-tailed bull in fly season right now. Summer may have officially just started, but it's already hotter n hades out there driver. When it gets this hot those tires get to poppin like firecrackers. There's more alligators out there on the highway right now than in a Louisiana swamp. He could talk a coon down out of a tree. The big bad ex- con facade faded away like butter on a hot skillet. He's as handy as a rope at a hanging. These are just a few examples. Do people really talk like this? The main character, Mack consistently says throughout the book, "I graduated from Cemetery, I mean Seminary. Religion was brought in at the strangest times. Mack was talking to an officer about a suspect running away scared. The officer was saying he didn't know why she ran. There was nothing of interest on her and nothing in her car. All of a sudden Mack says, "the wicked flee when no one pursues. Proverbs 28:1. That seemed just thrown in. These are just a few examples of why I couldn't get a personal connection with any characters or the book. I've been rough on this book but these are my honest thoughts and feelings. Other reviewers seemed to like it so maybe it just wasn't my cup of tea. It's not a book that will stay with me or that I will give any thought to.
White Hats vs Black Hats
Reviewed in the United States on August 20, 2019
Conspiracy theories about union thugs and agribusiness and more than a little bit of Christian faith. This high action story has the pages just fly by. The plot is intricate and well done. There are some lighter, humorous moments, but it is a lot of action and a bit of philosophy. It is very similar to 'The Renegade' TV show (92-97) about a Harley riding guy who is always fixing things for others while he seeks solace in his heart. I would love to read more adventure about this truck driver. I received this ARC book for free from Book Sirens and this is my honest review.
Races Along Like A Brand New Peterbilt 389!
Reviewed in the United States on August 7, 2019
“Sheep don’t worry about the future. When they hear the Shepherd’s voice, they follow Him.” “God, the Engineer, is still fully in charge.” “Your father died in prison a long time ago. You’re going to die in a prison of your own making if you don’t free yourself. You’ve been trying all these years to prove you’re better than your drunken father, that you’re not white trash anymore. And all along, you had a wife who adored you for who you are. You never had to prove anything to me.” “Rough Way To The High Way” by Kelly Mack McCoy races along like a brand new Peterbilt 389. Its destination is a highly enjoyable story that weaves setting, characters, suspense, and spirituality beautifully. What impressed me the most was that this was a debut novel. McCoy has a strong literary voice that is really all his own. I loved the dialogue that rang very authentic and the characters were all believable, flaws and all. The main character, aptly nicknamed Mack, is extremely likable and I enjoyed getting to know him well. I definitely felt like the book sets the stage for a sequel so I am excited about that. One issue I often have in the Christian Fiction market is that there is often a lack of clean and spiritual yet gritty books for men to enjoy; well, I am happy to say that this is a book that Christian men will enjoy (don’t worry, women will enjoy it too!). I look forward to reading more Kelly Mack McCoy books in the future.
Darrin Reid
I can’t wait for the next book in the series!
Reviewed in the United States on August 7, 2019
From the very beginning of the story, we are on the road, with Mac. We already are trying to figure out what is it that God has in store for him. He it’s already doing something that most people would not do. Early in the book, I was very impressed with the authors ability to weave scripture into the story. He does it in a way that it was seamlessly inserted. As a series of events cause Mac to take a different course, literally and spiritually, we are hanging on every turn of the page to find out what will happen! Mac is used, as a pawn, in a game he did not even know he was playing. He is quickly involved in deceit, murder, and have a never ending pursuit of the almighty dollar. These are just some of the things that are on the surface. Mac soon finds out that not everything is as it seems. What should’ve been a simple delivery, turns out to be much much more! His truck is broken into, Mac is under fire, and he has someone who keeps popping in and out of his life. Oh yeah, by the way, during all of this he manages to speak to others about Christ. Before we know it, Mac is involved in something that goes far beyond what he ever thought. Corruption, from local government on up! How do you think you would feel if your life was in danger, and you didn’t even know it? I eagerly anticipate reading the next novel by this author. I can’t wait!
d boston
Great first effort
Reviewed in the United States on July 4, 2019
An enjoyable read. An unlikely hero that saves the world from evil pretty much by accident. I could have done with less of the Christian messages but they didn't detract too much from the plot line. They did cause a leap of faith when the main character goes from a near death experience to walking around with no medical attention. A little too miraculous. I look forward to a sequel.
Amazon Customer
Thoroughly Enjoyable Manly Mystery From A Real Live Trucker
Reviewed in the United States on July 3, 2019
I don't read much fiction, but Kelly Mack Mccoy's Rough Way to the High Way really grabbed my attention. I got my autographed copy directly from Kelly at a book-signing event. The true-to-life description of truck driving and truck stops was wonderful. The fascinating twists of the multi-faceted mystery kept me wondering how it was all going to come together. The timeless life-lessons woven throughout the story inspire introspection for a reader of any age. And the elements of romance throughout make it a good read for the ladies as well. You won't want to miss this one.
Author Marcus Talese
God puts you through tests to make you wiser, stronger and a better person
Reviewed in the United States on June 21, 2019
This is without a doubt a nail biting nonstop thrill ride! I love the life lessons that God can and does throw at you! Please buy this book now! And do not wait!
Reviewed in the United States on June 14, 2019
Rough Way to the High Way is an easy read that leaves the read down the road through mind movies. The choice of words add depth and clarity to the storyline. Thanks Kelly
Rough way to the high way
Reviewed in the United States on March 30, 2020
Exciting read. Thrilling and suspenseful story that will keep you engaged.
Richard W.
A book that will capture your imagination and free your soul!
Reviewed in the United States on May 8, 2019
"Rough Way to the High Way" is not just another book you'll check off your list to say you've read it – it's a virtual experience! Have you ever wondered what it would be like to course the highways and byways in a big rig? Just sit back in your comfy safe armchair and let trucker Kelly Mack McCoy transport you from your comfort zone into a nail-biting, soul-busting divine encounter!
Melanie L
Great Book!
Reviewed in the United States on May 2, 2019
I love this book. It definitely keeps you wanting to read the next chapter. Highly recommend for anyone.
Kindle Customer
Great book
Reviewed in the United States on April 27, 2019
The story kept my attention through out the whole book. Kept me waiting to see what happens next.
Highly recommend you reading it.
Janie Harrison
Great story, interesting characters.
Reviewed in the United States on May 14, 2019
This is a read-in-one-sitting book. Once I started reading it, I couldn’t put it down. You will fall in love with Mack, Georgia, and the hitchhiker. Do yourself a favor and read this book.
Vergil G Schmidt
An up and coming author
Reviewed in the United States on July 2, 2019
Kelly has an engaging writing style that will keep you captivated right through to the end as you follow the ups and downs of each character. After you finished reading this book, you will feel like you have lived it. Great entertainment I highly recommend it.
Giovanni S.
Great Book
Reviewed in the United States on April 25, 2020
I enjoyed reading the book. I can work with truck drivers daily and the book reminds of all the old school truckers. Good writing for author’s first book!
garfunkle 2017
Great read!!!
Reviewed in the United States on March 26, 2020
read this in one evening. looking forward to more from this Author!!!
Kindle Customer
Great book
Reviewed in the United States on April 27, 2019
The story kept my attention through out the whole book. Kept me waiting to see what happens next. Highly recommend you reading it.
William R Brockmeier
A quick, but rich read
Reviewed in the United States on April 20, 2019
Kelly McCoy's debut novel feels written by a veteran. The fast-paced narrative was a quick, but rich read. The distinctive characters (love their names!), the colorful Texas language, and authentic trucking jargon made for an entertaining time. Mack, the protagonist driver, had me pulling for him as he worked his way through deep personal losses, and a never-ending list of circumstantial setbacks. I never saw the plot-twist coming. Can't wait for the sequel, Kelly!
Betty Ramshur
A look at a truckers adventures.
Reviewed in the United States on March 24, 2019
Great novel. Excellent mystery.
Good for your soul
Reviewed in the United States on March 17, 2019
Verified Purchase
Brilliant! I couldn’t put it down! The excitement, humor, drama, and twists are brilliant!! It feels as though you are right in the truck with Mack. The terminology and “trucker talk” reminds me of the days on the road, and the characters perfectly portrayed those every trucker encounters daily. It is so relatable with the longing to escape with the view of the windshield, but constantly being pulled back into reality. I absolutely love the perfectly placed Bible quotes and stories, and enjoyed how Mack could turn every situation into an “a ha” moment. This book was good for my soul!
David Richardson
Good book!
Reviewed in the United States on March 10, 2019
Verified Purchase
Great book about a trucker going through life's trials and tribulations with God as his pilot.
This will stay with me long after finishing it.
Reviewed in the United Kingdom on February 19, 2021
Verified Purchase
I really enjoyed this book. It captures the atmosphere of life on the road with authenticity. It’s got colourful, quirky characters along with the banter that comes from their interaction. It’s thoroughly engaging from beginning to end. But most of all, it’s the inspirational protagonist that makes this book for me. He manages to retain his dignity, faith and heart, no matter what he goes through and he’ll stay with me for a good while.
Christopher P.
inspirational !!
Reviewed in the United Kingdom on 11 October 2021
Verified Purchase
Good book! Full of full of unexpected twist.
"The Sojourner's Road Home: A 40-Day Journey to the Heart of God" is highly recommended for personal, professional, community, church, seminary, college, and university library Self-Help/Self-Improvement reading lists and collections."
Midwest Book Review